Physical mediumship is quite different from mental mediumship. A physical medium, while in a trance state, produces physical evidence of connections with the spirit world to observers in a dimly lit room, during a s’ance, or psychic circle, through the following phenomena: transfiguration, direct voice, apports, levitation and the movement or throwing of objects, knocking, rapping and tapping, spirit lights and materialization.
A mental medium, or as more commonly referred to, a
psychic medium, connects with the spirit world by harnessing visions,
images, messages and energies from the spirits and then in turn,
relaying them to the person who is receiving the reading. The mental
medium is able to give factual evidence about those who have passed,
such as specific names, places, detailed descriptions and how they died,
without having had any prior knowledge. The individuals receiving this
type of reading will confirm the connections made with the spirits and
the accuracy of the personal details....<<<Read More>>>...