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Monday 3 October 2022

Easy Ways to Find Awe in Your Everyday Life

 Awe is an amazing feeling. It’s hard to put into words, but you certainly know it when it strikes. Awe is the emotion or sensation you feel when you suddenly sense that you are a part of something much, much larger than yourself. A sense of being connected to the world around you; a sense of wonder. For some, this has religious connotations, but non-religious people feel awe too – and it’s good for you.

tudies show that people who regularly experience awe exhibit greater life satisfaction than others. Transcendent experiences, such as those which invoke awe, have also been shown to have mental health benefits throughout a lifetime.

Awe is good for your physical health too – in fact, the positive emotion of awe has been linked to lower levels of inflammatory cytokines in the body; high levels of inflammation can lead to heart disease, autoimmune disorders and cognitive degeneration.

You may be thinking – yeah, great. But I don’t live next door to the Grand Canyon, and I can’t afford to travel the world, so where am I supposed to get my daily dose of awe from?

While it’s true that natural wonders and beautiful, wild places are great for inspiring awe, the good news is that you can invoke awe in yourself wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, in your daily life – often without even leaving your home or your backyard. No expensive travel required, even if you live in what you might consider an uninspiring urban environment...<<<Read More>>>...