Researchers around the world are now looking for a signal from representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. And perhaps humanity will be able to establish contact with aliens in the future. But will this lead to dangerous consequences?
Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania believe that there are real risks to humanity from such contact, reports Science Alert. Firstly, the very fact of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization can cause a wave of indignation among people who believe in God. This can lead to significant upheavals and even religious wars.
But scientists believe that the main risk is that the country that first establishes contact with aliens can monopolize all the knowledge received from them.
Even if initially there will be some exchange of information between different countries, then, as the experience of the Second World War showed (the authors cite the behavior of the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition, who became enemies after the war), everything can change over time.
As a result, conflicts over the possession of new technological developments may erupt, which may escalate into a world war.
scientists from the Pennsylvania State University published their
paper, in which they disagree with the conclusions made by their
colleagues....<<<Read More>>>...