A recent peer-reviewed study shows blood samples develop abnormalities
after people are vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna Covid jabs.
In the study
published August in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory,
Practice and Research, scientists used a dark-field microscope to
analyze the blood of 1,006 people, after which they chose four patients
as case studies to illustrate how mRNA vaccinated blood develops
significant abnormalities post-vaccination.
“On the average,
5.77% of the 1,006 individuals had normal blood samples in spite of
their COVID-19 symptoms. The remaining 94.23% had abnormal blood samples
as illustrated in the 4 cases we selected out of the 12 who were normal
before receiving any mRNA injections but were no longer normal
afterward,” researchers pointed out.
The study goes on to show
dark-field microscopic images taken before and after vaccination, with
researchers reporting “strange phenomena in [the] blood,” “deformations”
and “anomalies” after microscopic examination....<<<Read More>>>....
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