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Wednesday 1 March 2023

ESG – A Potent Force for Evil

 ESG – stands for environmental, social and governance but really means doing everything possible to combat non-existent climate change.

Using the global warming fraud as an excuse, ESG was invented by globalist conspirators to destroy companies, jobs, pensions, savings and ultimately everything of value.

And once you realise that was the aim you have to admit that ESG is working very well.

Politicians, green liberal lefty commies and financial commentators everywhere, especially those in the media, are all devoted to the principles of ESG. They live for it. They dream of it at night. They encourage, and bully, companies to make decisions which will almost certainly cost everyone real money and yet do absolutely nothing whatsoever to make the world a better place.

What the ESG enthusiasts probably don’t realise, and wouldn’t care much if they did, is that real people, investors and electors included, don’t give a fig about ESG. They know that climate change is a fraud and they know that no one – especially those nutty groups who go around glueing themselves to policemen – really give a damn about the environment. They cheer the introduction of beavers but if they knew anything about nature they’d know that beavers make dams which flood farmland making it only suitable for the building of homes which will flood every time there is a shower.

ESG was invented and is promoted by a small group of billionaire conspirators whose aim is to destroy your life and to make themselves ever richer....<<<Read More>>>..