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Friday 1 December 2023

“High Court Officer Tries To Break Into Home To Collect On Unpaid BBC TV License Fees.” – Why is This Still Happening?

 The British Bullshi…er, Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is an “elaborate, sophisticated UK state propaganda outlet described by the UK establishment as ‘Britain’s soft power’.”Ban the BBC group say, “It uses clever manipulation and selective use of facts to push out the message the BBC’s masters want while suppressing and playing down alternative viewpoints.” they explain, and now with the launch of the Orwellian ‘BBC Verify’ in 2023, the BBC has taken on a new, insidious role acting in effect as a ‘Ministry of Truth’.

“The BBC is nothing more than UK state propaganda masquerading as an ‘impartial’ broadcaster.”

“The BBC has had its day and the TV Licence is a dinosaur of a bygone era.” say Ban the BBC, adding that “the entire concept of a state broadcaster is an “outdated anachronism which belongs to the communist soviet era and should be abolished.” Despite increasingly more individuals becoming wiser to this fact and choosing to boycott the BBC altogether, they are still often pressured into purchasing a TV Licence which is essentially the states way of funding the government propaganda.

“In a nutshell,” says Ban the BBC “the TV Licence is government permission to watch any live TV (and more recently the BBC iPlayer) on any device within the borders of the UK., they explain, that “Watching TV without a licence issued by the BBC is a non-recordable minor criminal offence which is heard in UK magistrates’ court.”

A conviction for ‘TV Licence evasion’ relies primarily on self incrimination for which an uninformed person is easy prey for the BBC’s Capita commission driven ‘sales’ enforcers. and “It seems unlikely the BBC will ever give up its addiction to easy funding by the UK taxpayer. As it stands, the BBC continues to demonstrate an enthusiasm for taxpayer funding via the TV Licence simply because it does not have to compete in the free market for a customer base.”

Ban the BBC founder, who began watching YouTube videos in early 2012 where people had filmed their encounters with TV “Licence goons.” says, “I was incensed at the authoritarian and ruthless nature of the enforcement practices of this obscenely stupid tax. The enforcement practices of the TV Licence are abhorrent to any reasonably intelligent thinking person who is in favour of free choice over something as trivial as entertainment and news.”

“That the UK state would allow its state broadcaster to enforce this tax in this manner is quite simply an abuse of state power. The exercise of state coercive power should be reserved only for things of serious national necessity. Requiring state permission to watch live TV is a laughable anachronism dating back to the 1940’s when television was an emerging communication technology. The TV Licence is now long since redundant with the recent widespread availability of high speed Internet.” ...<<<Read More>>>...