flows, out and in; everything has its' tides; all things rise and fall;
the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to
the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.
This principle, on the Physical Plane, is the most visible of all
principles and its power is observed within the forces of nature which
move the waves and tides of our oceans and the continuous changes of the
It is observed in the continuous cycles of life, death, and
the rebirth of all things, a rise and fall of governments and nations, a
constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the
plane of energy it is observed in the behavior of the alternating
current wave of electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the
positive and negative pole. Rhythm on the mental plane is experienced as
the wide mood swings displayed in human nature. It can be experienced
as extreme happiness, and then swing to extreme sadness - from a gentle
behavior to an extremely violent behavior at the blink of an eye. Rhythm
is the law of compensation and maintains the equilibrium in all things.
It returns to us what we measure out in life. The return swing of the
pendulum is assured without fail and there is no escape from the effects
of this immutable law.
This law holds us true to what we believe, or
not believe, and compensates us accordingly. All of nature follows this
law. Rhythm perpetuates the phenomenon of time. The pendulum-like swing
of rhythm is immutable and we can only counteract its backward swing by
mentally polarizing ourselves in a desirable position on the scale of
life. It requires a dedicated personal commitment to cultivate the
unknown within all of us in order to cause a quantum leap in the
evolutionary process of life with all its aches and pains.
This is a
mental art that is known to hierophants, adepts, and masters of all
ages. We will fulfill the law one way or another. Either use the law to
our advantage, or become its subject. The door of universal law swings
in all directions. The final result depends what we have chosen to
believe and whether or not our belief system allows us to see the truth
as it really is. If we do not want to know or do not care, then we will
evolve through the standard process of evolution. Nothing can, or is
allowed to stand still. All manifestation is the result of active energy
producing certain results, and expenditure of energy in any one
direction will necessitate an equal expenditure in an opposite