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Tuesday 19 December 2023

Life expectancy studies expose vaccination as among greatest EVILS in human history

 For the second consecutive year in a row, life expectancy for both men and women in the United States has dropped, reaching just 76 years old. And vaccines are largely to blame.

The news is slightly better for women in America, who now live on average until the age of 79. Men, on the other hand, are now expected to live only until about age 73, this being the widest gap between men and women since 1997.

While it is nothing new for women, on average, to live longer than men, the fact that both sexes are not even expected to reach age 80 anymore in the U.S. is noteworthy considering the life expectancy of the elderly in other countries.

In Japan, for instance, many elderly people live well into their 80s, which is apparently also the case in the United Kingdom. So what is the deal with the United States?

According to Mark Crispin Miller, Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccination" is playing a huge role in decreasing life expectancy all over the world, and particularly in the United States.

Recent studies point to other factors including the opioid epidemic, mental health issues and chronic metabolic disease as also being at the forefront of America's decreasing life expectancy rates...<<<Read More>>>...