Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 15 December 2023

Suppressed Core Belief Syndrome

 Very few of us are born with our core beliefs active in our consciousness. Core beliefs may not be there at all. Core beliefs are what we classify as 'beliefs that you had prior to this incarnation; beliefs that are the physical manifestations created from the higher wisdom of your true self'.

The majority of us are force fed a belief system as we travel along the conveyor belt of human life. We are indoctrinated and brainwashed into religious and spiritual beliefs. Beliefs we are highly unlikely to choose freely if we had not been subjected to the subliminal conditioning that exists in this virtual life.

The 'Hidden Hand' do not want us to be free thinkers. They do not wish us to remember or realise our core beliefs. That would be a dangerous occurrence because it means we would see through the deceptions and distractions they have so carefully created down through the ages. Core beliefs are the wisdom and understandings that your true self carries in its vibration. When you truly connect with your higher spirit, those dynamic realisations will begin to surface in your consciousness. Those realisations are likely to shape your life in a totally different sound vibration structure to the one that The Hidden Hand wishes.

Automatically your vibration is higher than the frequencies they wish to contain the spirit energies in. This will have several distinct advantages, which we are not prepared to divulge here. Needless to say your spirit DNA is somehow able to override the damage being imposed on the soul DNA which enhances your life force. Somehow.

So how do you know if you have truly connected with your Higher Spirit and have absorbed its core beliefs? The answer is simple. You just know. It happens and the effect on your life is dynamic. Your plight becomes almost hermit-like, as you withdraw from those on vibrations now lower than yourself. Its easier and safer to be reclusive. Again, for reasons we are not prepared to divulge here.

Needless to say, when you are awakened to your core beliefs, you suddenly wise up to what is happening on this virtual world. It essentially opens up your eyes ... and you then see the wood for the trees. You then comprehend what we term the 'Suppressed Core Belief Syndrome' that the majority of mankind suffers from.