Somatic movement focuses on enhancing mind-body awareness through intentional movement. It involves exploring and experiencing movement patterns, sensations, and emotions in a slow, gentle, and conscious manner. Many somatic movement practices integrate stretching, yoga, breathwork, visualization, and mindfulness to help you build a deeper connection to your body.
One of its curative powers is to help relieve stress and anxiety. We often carry the weight of our worries and fears in our bodies, leading to physical pain and emotional unrest. Somatic movement offers a gentle way to destress and release tension, allowing more enhanced mobility. It also helps us uncover and release buried emotions or traumas stored in our bodies. By acknowledging and letting go of these stuck emotions, we create space for growth and freedom to live more fully.
To get you started, try this somatic neck stretch to release tension.
Remember to take it slowly and mindfully: Sitting comfortably, tuck
your chin to your chest, relaxing into the stretch slowly while you take
deep breaths. Then, release your chin and tilt your head to one side
(to bring your ear to your shoulder without forcing it), relaxing into
the stretch. Tilt your head to the opposite side to balance out your
neck. Repeat as needed. Another lovely practice to feel calm and stretch
your lower back and spine is a reclined knee to chest pose: Begin by
lying on your back. Draw both knees into your chest and straighten one
leg out in front. Keep the other leg hugged into your chest. Switch
sides when ready. Daily somatic stretches like these will greatly
improve your entire well-being.(Daily OM)