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Monday 20 May 2024

Climate cultists want to IMPRISON anyone who disagrees with them

British environmentalist Jim Dale is so angry that some people refuse to believe that the planet is warming due to climate change that he is now calling for all "climate deniers" to be sent to the gulag.

Likening denial of global warming to flat earth conspiracy theories, Dale thinks it should be illegal for anyone to express opposition to his personally held beliefs about the planet getting too warm due to things like people eating meat and farm animals passing gas.

Andrew Doyle found himself embroiled in a fiery debate with Dale recently after Dale blew up at Doyle for holding a different viewpoint about climate change.

"Denial is factually wrong and it pollutes the political discourse," Dale scoffed. "It puts certain politicians in certain spins. They don't necessarily know about the climatology or the meteorology that's involved."

"Therefore, they go off on a tangent or sit on a fence like Rishi Sunak, and we end up going nowhere fast when we have to act." ...<<<Read More>>>...