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Monday 20 May 2024

Strongest solar storm in 165 years predicted to hit Earth

Just because the deceptive MSM report something, doesn't make it true. Open your minds to the fact the MSM distribute lies and more lies .... often as cover stories to hide something else going on their masters don't want you to know about.....


It is expected that powerful solar storms could significantly disrupt the operation of communications satellites and could even damage the Hubble Space Telescope.

On May 10 and 11, the Earth was covered by a strong geomagnetic storm of level G5, which caused multiple disruptions in the operation of communications and energy systems on Earth. But scientists believe that more powerful solar storms are expected in the near future.In this case, a geomagnetic storm may occur, which is comparable in power to the event that occurred in 1859, which caused the collapse of communications on the planet. Perhaps new storms will lead to even worse consequences, writes the Daily Mail....<<<Read More>>>...