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Tuesday 1 October 2024

How Do We Transcend Our Binary Thinking?

 This can be easily seen as a deeply programmed two way thought pattern that extends to Good-Bad, Right-Wrong, Indecent-Decent and so on.

By observing our thoughts objectively, as Gurdjieff and others have suggested, it is gets easier and easier to discover this automatic reaction to ideas, situations, and of course judgements of other people.

It occurred to me how fascinating it is that our powerful technology – computers and integrated circuits – have been programmed in precisely this same way – using On-Off and Zero-One to do more and more complex calculations.

It is almost as though we have unconsciously followed the pattern of our own minds in creating these devices in a form of bio-mimicry.

And it is worth noting that there is a movement beyond this in computing; new quantum computers are no longer limited to this binary form of calculation but can handle many more options, presumably including even paradoxes and anomalies in what we call artificial intelligence.

But it isn’t always easy to imagine exactly how we can move from this programmed tendency to think only in terms of twos or opposites....<<<Read More>>>...

The Mud-Flood Cover-Up / Joe Telford

Was there a worldwide catastrophe in the 18th or 19th century, during which massive amounts of mud and dirt engulfed elaborate buildings and cities, leading to a widespread cover-up by governments and historians? 
What was going on with the world-fairs of the 1800s where cities supposedly engineered massive buildings in record time only to demolish them soon afterwards? 
Is there more to the story regarding the hundreds of thousands of kids riding orphan trains of the old days? 
And why was there record numbers of adults during that time simultaneously locked up in insane asylums?

***FEATURE*** - Quote of the Month


Bill Gates uses vaccines and genetically modified crops to impoverish and reduce the world’s population

 Bill Gates, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has funded various scientific research programs and vaccination initiatives, such as “Grand Challenges Explorations.”

It’s not only his investment in vaccines globally that is the problem. He has also invested in companies that contribute to poverty and pollution and seeks maximum returns on his investments regardless of the social cost.

Gates’ advocacy for vaccines is intertwined with population control, with many concluding his true interest is in reduced fertility or even the elimination of a significant portion of the world’s population.

In addition to vaccines, he has also supported genetically modified organisms in food, which have been linked to health and environmental issues such as the development of super-bugs and super-weeds.

His Foundation has invested in genetically modified crops research, claiming to help African farmers grow their own food but it has led to dependence on large corporations for seeds, pesticides and equipment. You probably think the above is an introduction to an article written fairly recently, but it’s not. The article that follows was written 9 years ago...<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Totem Bird of the Month


Scientists uncover Pfizer “Hot Lots” that injured specific population groups at higher rates

 A new peer-reviewed study by scientists from Children’s Health Defense, in cooperation with researchers from Denmark and the Czech Republic, has revealed significant disparities in adverse event rates associated with specific batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. 

Published in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law, the research highlights serious concerns about vaccine manufacturing practices, including the lack of inspection for finished vials and the absence of quality control checks for product preservation and storage. 

Scientists from CHD, including Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, and Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D., senior research scientist, led the research....<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Image of the Month