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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Quote for the Day


How many lives would have been saved if the MHRA hadn’t snubbed the vaccine-injured?

 OUR medicines watchdog has blamed ‘missing information’ for its failure to act on early reports of potentially fatal side effects to AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine. It did not mention that it rarely followed up victims, or contacted their GPs, to ask for the missing information it needed.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), run by Dame June Raine during covid, has been criticised by Conservative former minister Esther McVey, who said the agency should be reformed. It is too late for many who struggled to get any meaningful response after reporting their injuries to the MHRA’s not-fit-for-purpose early warning Yellow Card Scheme.

Former BBC radio presenter Jules Serkin, 66, suffered a life-changing adverse reaction to her one and only AstraZeneca jab received on March 5, 2021. Had our health chiefs taken vaccine injury seriously, her injury may have been prevented, and she may have been able to get help.

Last week she updated the MHRA telling them: ‘Nearly four years on, I am still suffering the neurological effects caused by batch number PV46671. This one jab has ruined my life and health. Since my initial report to you in 2021, I have thought I would die many times.

‘I suffer extreme pains in my head, lightning strikes in my head and eyes. My left eye is especially scary. The brow is drooped and the NHS had to lift my eyelids as I could not see properly. The symptoms mimic a stroke, but A&E in my local hospital in Ashford, Kent, is so inundated I waited 21 hours in a chair as they wanted to admit me. They had no beds and no access to an MRI scan so now I stay at home during a vax attack and pray I won’t die.’

I first reported on the MHRA’s shambolic system for TCW in May 2021, highlighting that they received reports of no more than 10 per cent of injuries and that the public and many health professionals were unaware of the Yellow Card Scheme. Doctors and nurses were already voicing concerns.

A senior NHS board member said: ‘I know that the Yellow Card reporting system is not reflective of the amount of adverse events that are actually happening. I know of a patient who reported their extreme adverse event side effect to a nurse, and that nurse did not report it to the Yellow Card reporting system. People are told that their adverse events are normal. It is not normal to have to stay in bed for two days after a vaccine.’...<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #583


New Research Connects Paranormal Beliefs to Higher Stress Levels

 A study of 3,084 participants examined whether two types of paranormal belief—Traditional Paranormal Belief (TPB) and New Age Philosophy (NAP)—are associated with different levels of perceived stress.

The results, published in PLOS ONE in the article “Re-evaluation of the relationship between paranormal belief and perceived stress using statistical modelling,” revealed that TPB was significantly linked to higher distress and lower coping capacity, while NAP showed no predictive association with stress.

Paranormal beliefs, common in society, can influence behavior and attitudes, such as distrust of science and adherence to pseudoscientific ideas....<<<Read More>>>...


Scorpions - I Can't Explain

It is unknown whether lab-grown “meat” is safe to eat and it does not meet the US legal definition of meat; yet the FDA has given it approval to be sold By Rhoda Wilson on March 2, 2025 • ( 5 Comments )

 The concept of lab-grown meat, also known as “cultivated” or “cell-based” meat, is being marketed as a solution to various issues, including climate change and factory farming, but it is actually more similar to a science experiment than a food product, Renz said.

His article “breaks down the science and the law around this disgusting product and [ ] suggests that [we] should think twice before joining Bill Gates in celebrating this fake meat.”

Lab-grown meat is created using immortalised cell lines, which are cells that have been genetically modified to divide indefinitely, similar to cancer cells, by switching on the enzyme telomerase, which allows them to dodge ageing and grow endlessly.

These immortalised cells share certain traits with cancer cells, including non-stop growth, genetic chaos and energy overdrive, which raises concerns about the safety of consuming these cells, as they can become unstable and pile up weird changes that make them unpredictable.

The issue of lab-grown meat is not just a scientific one, but also a legal and regulatory one.

The legal status of lab-grown meat is also uncertain, as it does not meet the definition of “meat” under the Federal Meat Inspection Act, which defines meat as coming from the muscles of animals.  And the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires food to be safe and labelled correctly. 

Companies such as those backed by Bill Gates and regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) must consider the potential risks and consequences of producing and consuming these products.

The labelling of lab-grown “meat” is a problem.  The FDA and USDA have approved lab-grown chicken but this has not clarified the legal issues.  US law also bans food labels that mislead people and courts have ruled that labels must be clear and can’t just be technically true but they have to make sense to regular people, which could lead to lawsuits and legal troubles for companies producing lab-grown meat....<<<Read More>>>...

***SPECIAL FEATURE*** - Totem Bird of the Month


J.D. Vance blasts British HATE SPEECH laws during Keir Starmer’s visit to Washington

 In a striking rebuke of the United Kingdom's increasingly restrictive hate speech policies, U.S. Vice President JD Vance has openly criticized what he describes as "infringements on free speech" during British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's first official visit to Washington.

"We do have, of course, a special relationship with our friends in the U.K. and also with some of our European allies. But we also know that there have been infringements on free speech that actually affect not just the British," Vance stated.

"Of course, what the British do in their own country is up to them. But [such infringements] also affect American technology companies and, by extension, American citizens."

The vice president's remarks delivered during a high-profile press briefing highlight the far-reaching consequences of the U.K.’s censorship measures, which have drawn widespread condemnation from free speech advocates and international observers alike. They also underscore growing transatlantic tensions over Downing Street's controversial Online Safety Act and its broader implications for free expression, both in Britain and beyond.

Starmer defended London's approach, insisting that free speech remains a cornerstone of British society. "We've had free speech for a very, very long time in the United Kingdom – and it will last for a very, very long time," he asserted...<<<Read More>>>...

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Joe Bonamassa & Sammy Hagar “Fortune Teller Blues”

What Happens When You Ditch Ultra-Processed Foods? A New Study Reveals Surprising Results

 Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) have become a staple in modern diets, yet their health risks are alarming. These mass-produced, packaged products—like chips, candy, and sugary drinks—are engineered to be addictive, making them hard to resist. Studies have linked UPFs to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even early mortality. Despite these risks, most dietary programs focus on weight loss or general nutrition rather than specifically targeting UPFs.

Recognizing this gap, researchers from Drexel University’s College of Arts and Sciences developed a groundbreaking intervention to help individuals cut back on UPFs. Their study, recently published in Obesity and Science Practice, revealed that participants successfully reduced their UPF intake by nearly 50% in just eight weeks. But what made this program so effective?...<<<Read More>>>....

Scientists discover all humans can read minds… and how you can tap into telepathic abilities

 Scientists have discovered how to unlock telepathic abilities they say are trapped inside the brains of every human.

Researchers in Canada uncovered that parts of the brain actually act as a ‘psi inhibitor’ – meaning it suppresses the natural psychic, telepathic, and clairvoyant abilities people have but don’t know about.

When scientists turned off this ‘filter’ – by inducing reversible brain lesions in the frontal lobes of volunteers – it enhanced the patients’ psi abilities, allowing them to influence objects with their minds.

‘Psi’ is a phenomenon that includes telepathy (mind-mind connections), clairvoyance (perception of future events or distant objects), precognition (knowing what will happen before it does), and psychokinesis (moving objects with your mind).

The filter was turned off by a process called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which uses a non-invasive device to send magnetic waves to specific brain regions.

In experiments, volunteers with these brain lesions developed the power to change the outcomes of a Random Event Generator (REG) with their minds – moving the arrow on a computer screen which was choosing 0s and 1s at random....<<<Read More>>>...

Food for Thought #582


Judas Priest - The Green Manalishi (With the Two Pronged Crown)

How much is Bill Gates’ GAVI getting from UK’s foreign aid?

 On Tuesday, Keir Starmer announced drastic cuts to Britain’s international aid budget to help pay for a major increase in defence spending. The aid budget will be reduced from 0.5% to 0.3% of GDP.

We have heard many recipients of UK aid concerned about its impact on them. What we haven’t heard is what the UK is actually spending taxpayers’ money on.

In 1970, Britain pledged to spend at least 0.7% of GNI on foreign aid as part of a United Nations pact. In 2020, the Conservative government reduced overseas aid from 0.7% to 0.5% of GNI to free up cash for domestic spending during covid.

According to The Conversation, 34% of Britain’s foreign aid consists of contributions to multilateral organisations like the United Nations and World Bank. A research briefing published by the UK parliament in February 2025 gave a little more detail:

Current pressures include spending on refugees in the UK and international climate finance commitments that the Conservative Government planned for 2024/25 and 2025/26. Several multilateral organisations, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), Gavi, the vaccine alliance, and the International Development Association (IDA, part of the World Bank) have also launched requests for funding replenishments to cover their work from 2025. The Labour Government says it will provide £1.98 billion to the IDA over the next three years and £310 million to the WHO for 2024 to 2028. Ongoing pressures on the overseas aid budget, UK aid: spending reductions since 2020 and outlook from 2024/25, UK Parliament, 12 February 2025

The International Climate Finance (“ICF”) commitments noted above refer to the “promised contributions to the UNFCCC commitment to jointly mobilise US$100 billion climate finance a year for developing countries.” The UNFCCC is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

As we note payments being made to the IDA (World Bank), the UN and climate commitments, we should recall that the World Bank, for example, are not transparent and not acting with integrity regarding the money they are given. We previously noted that the majority of 2,500 “climate mitigation” projects funded by the World Bank have little to do with climate. And towards the end of last year, scrutiny of the World Bank intensified over $24 billion in unaccounted climate funds.

Obviously, if the UK were to leave the criminal World Health Organisation and the United Nations, huge savings could be made. Not only on contributions to these organisations but also payments made to spread and capitalise on the UN’s nefarious “climate change” agenda.

One of the other big savings that could be had is to defund Bill Gates’ GAVI.

In October 2024, the BBC reported that Bill Gates joined a chorus of international development voices criticising the Government for cutting billions in overseas aid spending in the Budget. It’s not surprising considering how much GAVI milks the UK taxpayer....<<<Read More>>>...

***SPECIAL FEATURE*** - Quote for the Month


Florida hints at legal action against Fauci for pandemic response

 Speaking at the Yale Federalist Society earlier this month, DeSantis — a longtime critic of Fauci — said the “preemptive” pardon former President Joe Biden granted Fauci last month protects him from federal prosecution — but not state prosecution.

DeSantis’ comments came as 17 state attorneys general sent a letter to congressional leaders earlier this month, inviting Congress to share with state investigators evidence that might implicate Fauci.

“While Biden’s preemptive pardon is likely to shield Fauci from federal prosecution, it does not preclude state prosecution,” said attorney Greg Glaser.

“Under the legal principle of dual sovereignty, each state retains the authority to pursue its own investigations and prosecutions for violations of its own state law. This is supported, for example, by the Tenth Amendment, which reserves powers not delegated to the federal government to the states,” Glaser said.

DeSantis said it’s “very possible” new Florida Attorney General James Uthmeier, his former chief of staff, would seek to prosecute Fauci, whom he called the “chief henchman” of the U.S. pandemic response, according to the Florida Bulldog...<<<Read More>>>...

***SPECIAL FEATURE*** - Image of the Month