First of all I knew the approximate time period of this premonition as I had woken up and gone to the bathroom at 7.30 am and it was straight after getting back into bed, and before getting up once more at 8.20am.
In the premonition I had somehow found myself in a city centre that was filled with violent clashes between multiple groups of people who had been segregated between fenced barriers. I didn't belong to any sides of the conflict and was trying to get myself outside of the conflict. It felt very much like there were deliberate barriers constructed between groups of people.
As I wandered the streets of this city I noticed the Molotov cocktails being thrown over the fencing into the group I was walking through. There were groups of people milling around on both sides of the barriers and the evidence of anarchy was everywhere. There was also large black flying craft that looked like large helicopters flying over the city. There were destroyed buildings everywhere.
I'd made my way through a section being able to get away from the worst conflicts and found myself in what was like a bus terminal of sorts. There were exit doors that I made my way to, that appeared to lead to an area of the city free of conflict. Unfortunately a group of youths throwing Molotov cocktails appeared on the other side of the exit doors and began running around the side of the terminal building glass screens. To my left, to my horror, a group appeared to have lifted some kind of vehicle up and over the segregation barriers, dropping it into the crowds on the other side.
At this point I was able to find a parked vehicle with people inside it. I asked if the driver was going anywhere close to my destination. There was the driver and two other people in the vehicle. Me and my companion got into the vehicle and we set off.
It seemed that the angry mobs left the vehicle we were travelling in alone. We made our way into a basement of a building that led us into a dark tunnel that had graffiti blazoned on both of its flank walls. Eventually we reached the end of the tunnel and came upon a large open side where buildings had clearly been demolished or destroyed. As we left the tunnel, a group of youths began attacking the vehicle we were in.
Shortly we reached an area which appeared to be a safety zone. Ahead of us numerous buildings were being constructed in a building material, but I could not comprehend what it was. At this point I begin to think about the city centre we had safely escaped from, and realised all the people there were somehow the survivors of some uprising, and those in still in control had somehow managed to turn groups of these survivors against each other.
As the dream faded, I knew for a fact I had witnessed a premonition of what is to come .... Matthew James