Neil Ferguson, the man I think of as possibly the most laughably inept scientist in the world, is back with a prediction that dairy herd outbreaks of avian influenza will continue to be a significant public health challenge.
There is, inevitably, a call for urgent biosecurity
interventions and targeted surveillance schemes. Doubtless, there will
be calls for cows to stand 12 feet apart in fields and socialising for
cows will be banned completely. Cows with feathers, or those which fly
around in the evenings, will be quarantined. Schools for calves will be
This is what I said about Ferguson in my book `Truth Teller: The Price’:
in 2020, Antoinette and I realised that governments around the world
were over-selling the risks associated with the coronavirus. Widely
quoted predictions based on mathematical models were clearly outrageous,
and everyone in government and the medical profession seemed to have
forgotten that the ordinary, common or garden flu can (and does) kill
many hundreds of thousands every year.
The warnings and
predictions were clearly exaggerated, and the epidemiology of what was
being promoted as a new and deadly plague was clearly identical to the
epidemiology of the annual flu.
Neil Ferguson, the man most
widely recognised as being behind the mathematical models had a terrible
track record, and it was difficult to see why anyone in authority was
taking any notice of his warnings. Ferguson was professor of
mathematical biology at Imperial College in London and on the basis of
his advice, the politicians decided we should be locked in and subjected
to social distancing rules.
But this is what the Government knew about Ferguson when they decided to put their trust in him and his team:
In 2001, the Imperial team did the modelling on foot and mouth disease
which led to a cull of six million sheep, pigs and cattle. The cost to
the UK was around £10 billion. But the Imperial’s work has been
described as “severely flawed.”
– In 2002, Ferguson predicted
that up to 50,000 people would die from mad cow disease. He said that
could rise to 150,000 if sheep were involved. In the UK, the death total
was 177.
– In 2005, Ferguson said that up to 200 million people
could be killed by bird flu. The total number of deaths was 282
worldwide. That’s 282, not 282 million.
– In 2009, Ferguson and
his chums at Imperial advised the Government which, relying on that
advice, said that swine flu would kill 65,000 people in the UK. In the
end, swine flu killed 457 people in the UK.
– Finally, Ferguson
admitted that his model of the covid-19 was based on undocumented
13-year-old computer code that was intended for use with an influenza
No one seemed to question Ferguson’s work on covid-19 –
despite the fact that if he was wrong again (which I believed he was)
the nation would be pushed back into the Dark Ages as a result of his
In February and March of 2020, I questioned the claim that
we were at the start of a major plague. In the early months of 2020, I
started writing articles for my websites about what I called then “The
Coronavirus Hoax.” I could see that bad things were about to happen and I
knew I had to do whatever I could to share my fears with as many people
as possible.
My comments (all of which were entirely accurate
and based on fact) proved deeply unpopular with the medical and
political establishment. Overnight, without any evidence, I was labelled
as a conspiracy theorist, a discredited doctor and a danger to mankind.
I believe that I was subsequently targeted more than anyone (and I know
of no other doctor or author in the world who has been as completely
banned as I have) and I suspect this was simply because I have a medical
degree, a good deal of experience in writing and a large, global
audience of loyal readers. So, what are the odds of Ferguson being wrong
And, more importantly, why is anyone listening to this bozo? Why isn’t he cleaning drains and digging ditches for a living?
Ferguson, the reliable purveyor of garbage science, is, remember, also infamous for breaking his own lockdown rules....<<<Read More>>>...