Daily Merlin Insight
Using Servants of the Light Tarot
Thursday 15th November 2007
10:30pm - 11:20pm

The focus of this insight is in the NOW ... not past and not present ... but now ... 15th November 2007 according to human time. At this precise moment that I think and I breathe and I exist on this material plane ... I focus on the image of Madeleine McCann to link and sense her wellbeing and her state of mind now; her surroundings and those who hold her and keep her seperated from her loving family ....

What strikes me as significant is the 6of Spheres, the 6 of Weapons and the 7 of Spheres at the top of the working. The 6/6/7 is significant ... like the 6th June 2007 has a bearing in someway with her survival. She appears to have changed hand ... gone from danger into now comfortable safety. Well guarded. A well connected collective have hold of her ... and despite pressure from very powerful places they do not wish to let her go ... there is an affiliation or direction which GM has taken which opposes the view of those who hold MM. Her demise is NOT their intention. They would rather never return her than ever harm the little 'mite' .... I am told this is the reason MM is in a sable home family environment in case there was reason never to let her be returned. It is the outside case ... the worst case scenario ...
But know it is the last resort.
MM is in a timeless state. She is very much alive ... I sense a real concern for her father and her mother. But a fickle mind gets distracted each and every time she is concerned about her real family.
The High Priestess at the centre of the working! That talismanic character once more ... and the 4 of Crescents ... the 'Dishevelled woman' ... they have a bearing on MM and her well being at this time. They connect in from the outside world ... and it is they who control the Pandora's Box of tricks that perpetuates their 'higher handlers' campaign to keep MM away from her parents. They merely follow orders. Are part of a cause which they genuinely feel is fair and just. But being aware of the McCanns family reactions is not easy for them to deal with. This has gone on longer than ever they were told it would. There is a double cross with the agenda ... as a trojan horse has been sprung even on those who took MM into safety in the first instance.
The disappearance in May was carefully planned by someone who was around in Portugal at the time ... there was a clear foreknowledge of the McCanns venturing to Portugal. It was deemed the ideal place with the history of the PJ and its incompetence and its corruption known to Intelligence agencies. Somewhere someone planned it all as the perfect cover ....
Maddy is caught fast as the sprat to catch the mackerel ... the bait and the cover screen ... the McCanns unwitting pawns as has been stated before. The High Priestess is a powerful woman within the business world and in the world of the occult. She is linked to many things including organisations involved behind the scenes in medicine and the health care sector. Two organisations appear to link ... one directly to her and another which is indirectly associated to her. But her main profession is high pressure .. and very much linked to 'making dreams a reality' ... advisory and consultant based. She appears to have been known to MM for most of her life ... and she has been aware of MM too and her significance. The health care sector ... links also to IVF and through these links someone had links to MM and her records. But I have not been shown why.
MM's well being is ok. There is medical personnel around her ... monitoring her. It is vital health is kept good. She is vital to a cause now and in the future.
Something controversial was slipped into my awareness by a gentleman here. There is the implications that someone somewhere close to where MM resides has been taking DNA samples from MM and passing them on down the line for them to be placed in strategic places in order to add fuel to the recent DNA stories that circulated in the media. It seems someone was adding weight to the stories with samples of DNA from the living and breathing MM.
Huge efforts have been made to confuse and to also point the finger at Gerry & Kate. Someone who opposes them has gone to extraordinary lengths to have them made official suspects .... even though they may have been requested the status by their legal team. I am wary of the corruption which is around the situation.
Moving back to MM ... she has children of her own age group with which to play with. She is treated like a princess ... someone extremely important. There seems to be someone who understands her blood line or the implications of it all ...
The 2 of Weapons represents the power struggle for custodianship of MM. This is between two factions of the same. MM appears to have been taken in the first instance to prevent her abduction by another 'bunch' .... those who have hold of her are able to keep her away from the other bunch. This other bunch are trying all ways to gain hold of MM ... this is independent of Gerry & Kate trying to get her back ...
This is a game of political pinball in some ways. Influential people realising the significance of having hold of MM in the light of all the attention this case has been getting.
The 3 of Spheres reversed ... the need for the campaign to currently go below ground in some ways. There is a real sense of where and who ... for the network has been tweaked and those in the know are aware through intelligence of the probable where and with who ...
But ... I have it impressed on my awareness that MM is very much alive in the current ... in the now. Her time of return to her parents is pencilled in tentatively dependant on other factors ... I see like a whiteboard in a conference room with a number of points written in red and black .... ................................................... (withheld).
The pattern of the crystals appears to make up the astrological sign for Chiron ... the Wounded Healer ... Chiron was the recluse or the her hermit living in a cave away from all the other Centaurs ... a learned being ... a healer ... a being which carried a wound which it could not heal itself ... injured on the heal by Achilles ... the Achilles heal therefore ... everyone has a weak point .. a weakness .... someone feels genuinely for MM and her family perhaps ... let it be that the High Priestess is feeling guilty and is trying to negotiate for the return of MM to her parents at this very moment?? Fingers crossed.