Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Magick Journal IV

Only a quick journal entry tonight.

Last night had real annoying activity after signing off and finally getting to bed. I clambered into bed. Settled into a meditation with an affirmation and meditation music ....

No sooner was I drifting into an altered state than I became aware of someone sitting on my feet at the base of the bed. I dismissed it first time as being nothing more than Kristine turning in her sleep.

I settled back into the meditative state and felt myself drifting down into oblivion. Then at exactly the same point as the first time I became aware of the physical sensation of someone sitting on the bed part on my feet and on the bed. I felt the entire bed shift. This time I noted Kristine hadn't moved and she was not in touching distance of my feet.

The boys were both fast asleep and their was nobody else in the house. There was therefore a presence in the room.

I was beginning to feel annoyed at being disturbed in this way. Whilst preparing to enter oblivion a third time ... I felt a pull on my arm from the left hand side. It was not a physical touch but a little like an invisible 'hook' being placed within my energy field and with something at the other end of the hook giving it a slight tug.

I turned on my side at this point and immediately felt the bed move close beside me. It was not Kristine or the boys. I was wide awake at this point and able to dismiss all logical explanations. I was at this point angry and shouted verbally across to the base of the bed 'beep beep leave me alone and let me go to sleep'.

The sense of presence was strong. But thankfully I must have been permitted to drift into sleep not long after ... but not before the presence came in close again.

It reminds me of my childhood days ... an old man almost always sat on the foot of my bed prior to taking me on a projection most nights. He was not an imaginary friend. I am left pondering after last night's visitation .. if he has returned ... and is waiting for the opportune moment to communicate.

As I write I am shivering with presence once more. I saw part manifestation in front of me and movement. I ignored it .... in front of me is our fridge and washer ... about two minutes ago there was a tapping noise from the fridge door ... and a shadow seen walking away from the freezer to then suddenly stand right beside me .... I am shivering with goosepimples .... to my left now ... and behind ... someone is behind me ...