T r a n s c r i p t
for Friday 8th February 2008
Using Merlin Tarot
A quick insight using the Merlin Tarot cards ... 'What next?' What is to follow this prolonged 'silent running'? Are things really as they seem ... or, as is intuited, is there something much more significant below the surface?
I glean the current of the 'salmon stream' is not what is reported in the press. The fable and the truth are two completely different spheres. This is totally evident from insights received since mid-December 2007. Something much more significant is concealed in the malaise created by the Pied Piper. A sense of deliberate enchantment is around the case ... not just for the watching public but for other individuals too. A sense that another chapter in the campaign - indeed in the media reporting - is perhaps around the corner. The ticker tape trail has been strung out and the elastic band pulled to its limit. Silence is deadly ... silence is golden ... like the cloaking black of night time. That period when significant events are indeed taking place behind the subterfuge.
There is something which forces are itching to have me say; but I'm cautious of a 'wild card viewing' ... a slip of the tongue would result. But it is apparent there is an investigation and an intelligence observation having been undertaken. Madeleine is 'reported' to me as being safe ... having passed into 'halfway house' hands some time ago. Being then returned safe could jeapodise something ... having the word passed to the parents too might have the same effect. The family is observed and monitored. It is extremely cruel I sense ... not letting them know ... it is perhaps supposition ... or me working clairvoyantly unaware of the time period I am in (reporting an event not yet taken place) ... but I do know she is safe. That is not a delusion I have been under since May. It is information returned to me time and time again by trusted connections. The same connections passing other totally accurate information about other people ... as proof that they are indeed correct. Snippets of information to friends and acquaintances alike. A number of consultations heralding pleasing feedback. Connections provide 'messages' to prove that what they say about Madeleine is indeed correct. The number of times I've demanded to know ... to be told ... not once has there been anything relating to anything detrimental about Madeleine.
To the Merlin Tarot now, my oldest deck of tarot ... no tarot are anything but a doorway ... a connection to the super-consciousness. A series of images which the higher mind can pass forth its wisdom to the lower mind. The Merlin Tarot have been with me since day one ... back when I was barely out of University. Back when I 'woke' to the realisation of what it was I had been using 'instinctively' since I was a child. Prior to the Merlin Tarot I had not needed any 'aid' to provide insight or clairvoyance. I would just say it was that was there ... I never thought what I was going to say. I just said ... hence I was an 'oddball' throughout my early life as people were wary of me and what I would say. The Daily Merlin Insights are somewhat un-natural for me ... I have to be careful of what I say within them. I have to review the transcripts after they are written and change things round. I use tarot images to 'see' as it is easier in this situation. People who know me well, know I do not need divination aids to work. Tarot is merely an extension of the arts ... a tool ... like a knife or fork to eat. Often some foods are better eaten with the fingers.
Anyway ... tonight I turn to the Merlin Tarot .. to let the insights speak through their symbolism ...
5 images. Ace of Beasts ... 3 of Beasts ... Ace of Serpents ... 6 of Beasts ... 4 of Beasts ...
So very unusual to have such a high percentage of one trump represented in a working. The numbers 1, 3, 4 & 6 of beasts. The trump of beasts is the land or the ground. The mundane. The Ace of Bears indicates a significant review. A sense of an overview. A group around a table ... four people overseen by a fifth person. A significant round table meeting. There is an ancient stag on a hill. The sign perhaps of the 'wild hunt' ... someone of noble ranking or of influence will oversee something .... linked to the ground travelled by the mystery? A government review of laws or concessions relating to missing children ... ?? The 3 of Beasts has the wording 'effort' ... three persons with their horns locked here. There is attrition and aggression ... a down to earth approach to make sense of a means of increasing awareness ... or increasing influence. March is 3; April is 4; June is 5 ... but it would mean a disappearance of over a year ... then the July ...
'There will be silence for quite some time. No sigh, no word ... all through the summer time. Towards July ... a trail gone cold. Nothing going anywhere. Circles round and round ... a village beside a waterway ... something obscure leads to a fresh trail. Then the receipt of a line or two of words. A transcript initially kept from the world. Then a photograph to be shown to the world ...' (Thursday May 24th 2007 - The Little Girl Is Safe)
... it's sad to say but it does seem it will go on beyond the 12 months. This statement I desperately wish to be wrong and she is found sooner. But insights point to beyond June 2008. Connections have implored me to go back to what I was receiving at the start. Cunning and clever minds have the upper hand. There is a major betrayal being undertaken by someone linked to Gerry. Split loyalties and a silent tongue. Honour and an unbreakable vow. The threat of misdemeanour if the vow is broken. Someone in the High Court linked ... the 6 of Beasts and a beneficial event linked to the Ace of Serpents ... the dragon which holds the rod of power in the land. The hidden hand ... the masque of deceit. One child and her family is seen as 'a necessary evil' ... the sprat to catch the mackerel. The force behind the masque cares not that Madeleine is seperated indefinitely from her family ... or how her family and friends feel. The mindset at work here has no conscience ... sees people as mere numbers ... will stop at nothing to achieve what they set out to achieve. Pressure is exerted on their shoulders by voices still higher than theirs.
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