Malta - 'Valletta' - was 'whispered' in the back of my mind at the most unexpected moment earlier today. Amid the daily challenges of a busy 'contracting' office. There was an external force impressing on me the 'importance' of reconsidering Malta. Not as a current 'hideaway' ... but as a likely trail overlooked.
Going back to June 2007, it seems the 'claims' were investigated and later dismissed. My own sense at the time had been that there had been something in the Malta sightings. A real feeling Malta had been a port of call in the early days of the disappearance. Documented posts around this time will show a 'farsight' awareness days before the surfacing news stories that Malta had been a 'port in the storm' ...
Now, with this 'contact' out of the blue ... I feel it inspirational to recover the Malta 'vibrations' and re-visit May/June 2007 and glean if there are any 'loose fibres' worth considering. It may well be the trail is too cold for it to prove fruitful. But, then again ...
Daily Merlin Insight
Wed 16th July 2008
10:10pm - 10:25pm
'Was MM taken to (or offshore around) Malta during the early days of her disappearance?'
9 of Weapons
Keeper Of Weapons
User of Crescents
9 of Weapons depicts a robed person kneeling in prayer before an altar on which a flaming sword is standing upright. Eight swords hover with above the head of the person. Impressions here are of 'those who were instructed to search' were unaware they had sight of their quarry, right before their eyes'. Pressures were building which led to this direction being overlooked. Too many dangled 'Swords of Damocles'. A no-win situation forming at the time ... with a 'diversionary direction' beginning to shine which led all the attention away from this direction.
The Keeper of Weapons featured in the insights around this time ... depicting one in possession of 'the flaming sword' onboard the ocean vessel of 'the court'. Three of the 'higher authority' of the court are depicted in the background of the image with the bearer of the flaming sword in the foreground. It seems from this MM was aboard a vessel owned by someone of 'significance'. Perhaps the person/agency who devised the 'diversionary direction' to hide this passage from Portugal into the Mediterranean with Malta ... a destination along the way.
User of Crescents shows the now 'familiar' image of who I have nicknamed 'The Dishevelled Woman' ... she faces the User of Crescents (bearer of the trident - perhaps owner or captain of the vessel). Discussions seem to ensue regarding the 'replica crescent' ... in the background is the Man in the Moon. Choppy seas surround them. The symbolism hints at some pre-arranged meeting aboard a vessel or perhaps in (or around Malta) which was necessary .... which also would require diversions and subterfuge ...
Familiar symbolism and also a familiar sense of inspiration which was present around June 2007. The insight implies that there was a deliberate intention to 'ship' MM in the direction of Malta around this time. Alive and well. All pre-planned. All requiring a 'blast' from the cloud making machine to hide the trail. Though the trail may be cold now ... it may have something along it still.