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Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Buddhist Inspiration ..
Gripe Of The Day .... (Still)
GM Crops Cause Liver and Kidney Damage
Bayern Munich 2 - 1 Man Utd

United took the lead after only 66 seconds when Wayne Rooney volleyed in six yards out from Nani's free-kick. But Franck Ribery's deflected free-kick set up a dramatic finale, rounded off by Olic's cool run and finish after a defensive error by Patrice Evra. United's misery was made complete when Rooney limped off with an ankle injury.
Scottish Government Cover up of Hollie Greig Part 6 – Why are Politicians and Media so Tight Lipped
I guess this question is in two parts – is it fear from the Scottish Legal System and there associated lawyers such as Levy & McCrae and Simpson and Marwick or is it the fact that Peodophilia is rife in all political parties……one would have to look at the FBI list of British Peodophiles to get the answer to that, but I am sure we all have a pretty good idea as to who they are!' ...Read more:...
Today's Inspiration
Promoting the Positive

Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Secret Wish Of The Soul
As we allow our big dreams to take root in this world, we become whole and well, and start living our deeper story. As we help others to honour and celebrate their soul guidance, as revealed in dreams, we become healers and dreambringers.
Ancient dream healers understood that we are often out of touch, in our surface minds, with our deepest truths and our heart’s desires. Not knowing who we are, forgetting our soul’s purpose, we do terrible harm to ourselves and others. Dreams invite us to get back on the right track, the soul’s track.
Dreaming not only renews our understanding of the soul’s purpose; it can literally bring the soul back home. From the shaman’s perspective, soul loss is the root cause of much illness and affliction in our lives. We suffer deep grief, heartbreak or abuse or trauma – and maybe then succumb to negative habits and addictions – and a part of our vital soul energy goes away. Chronic depression, lethargy, memory gaps, low resistance to illness and emotional numbness are among the most frequent symptoms of soul loss.
Our dreams can tell us which parts of ourselves may be missing, and when it is timely to bring them home. Recurring dreams in which we go back to a scene from our earlier lives may indicate that a part of us has remained there. Dreams in which we perceive a younger self as a separate individual may be nudging us to recognize and recover a part of ourselves we lost at that age. Sometimes we do not know who that beautiful child is – until we take a closer look
Unfortunately, a common effect of soul loss is dream loss. Indeed the absence of dream recall is often a primary symptom of soul loss – as if the part of the sufferer that knows how to dream and travel in deeper reality has gone away, out of pain or disgust. It is fascinating and deeply rewarding to observe what can happen when people who have forgotten how to dream start dreaming again. This can amount to spontaneous soul recovery ... read more ...
Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

Freemasonry is the Church of Lucifer masquerading as a fraternal mystical order. It fronts for Illuminati (Masonic; Cabalist Jewish) central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their New World Order.' ...Read more...
Quote For The Day
intellect and emotion
lies an intuitive insight
and a silent wisdom
that is guiding
each and every step.
Just For Fun - Name That Song #9
But remember, it is just for fun. There's no need to e-mail us with the answer (Several folk have and we always pleased to hear from people) as there is no prize for getting it right ...
Here goes ... Just for fun, name that song ....
I will light the way for us to find
Order of a new kind
And together build another way to the morning?
Will it ever come again?
Poets line in a rhyme of silence
Gathered from the winter air
A dog on a treadmill panting,
the master pulls the leash, laughing.
And what of the children?
What has this done to them?
Join us on the stay the road is mine
Dig down deep to find the man I thought I was.
A Word on 'Choronzon'

The other way of transmutating Choronzon is working out how to deal with, and ultimately transcend, those aspects of this energy which we cannot find positive or beneficial angles on.Choronzon is the dweller on the threshold, the Guardian of the Abyss. Thus he is the ultimate initiator, and so to turn back when he looms unexpectedly in one's life, is to deny oneself possibilities of evolution. For it is not just the Abyss which Choronzon guards, but also the supernal triad beyond it, those ineffable flowers of samadhi which may only be reached by crossing the Abyss. Whether this crossing is a torturous ordeal or a blissful release is basically up to the individual's perspective, to how they deal with the process of initiation.
Choronzon: 'Demon of Dispersion': Dispersion is surely not such a bad thing in its proper place. The Universe runs on dispersion, it is the faculty of abundance, the Going of the Gods -to ever move out and on to allow room for more possibilities and permutations to manifest. Choronzon is a most divine (a demon acknowledged and integrated successfully becomes a God again) beneficiary for the work of dispersing information and creativity. One must of course keep this force in check and in its proper place (a demon harnessed may lead the Chariot of the soul to new and wondrous realms) and balance, so that one is not too overwhelmed by the world of infinite possibility and unable to manifest to its fullest potential any fruitful facet thereof.
Capturing the Thrill

Pharma Planning to Dump Experimental and Controversial Vaccines in Public Schools
Parents would revolt if they knew that the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Centers for Disease Control have allocated millions of dollars in funding to establish vaccine clinics in the public schools. Pumping children with experimental vaccines in public school is about to be pursued as a matter of policy.' ...Read more:...
Vitamin B3 Beats Big Pharma's Zetia Cholesterol Drug

As the study reveals, Zetia failed miserably. Patients taking niacin showed a "significant shrinkage" in artery wall thickness, while those on Zetia showed no such improvement. At the same time, the rate of "cardiovascular events" in the niacin group was only one-fifth that in the Zetia group, demonstrating that niacin is far more effective at preventing heart attacks and other similar events than Zetia. But curiously, as soon as niacin started to show a real benefit over Zetia, researchers cancelled the study. The premature ending of the clinical trial stopped the process by which even more useful information about the benefits of niacin might have been learned.' ...Read more
Haiti Post-Quake - Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation & Oppression

A March 11 New York Times editorial titled, "Haiti, Two Months Later," tried to have it both ways, citing relief effort failures, yet praising the US, UN, foreign countries, and aid organizations for: "dispatch(ing) tents, tarps, food, water, medicine and doctors as they should. They have done a lot of good, particularly the United States, which rushed supplies, a troop force....and a hospital ship. Many lives were saved."
Unmentioned was the thousands of US combat troops obstructing aid, getting none to the most impoverished neighborhoods, and amounts to emergency shelters have been woefully inadequate, making calamitous conditions worse...Read more:...
Just For Fun - Name That Song #8 - The Solution
By-Tor & The Snow Dog
The battle's over and the dust is clearing
Rejoicing echoes as the dawn is nearing
The Camera Eye
They chase through the streets of
Head first humanity
Pause at a light
Chain Lightning
Sun dogs fire on the horizon
Meteor rain stars across the night
This moment may be brief
But it can be so bright
Tikkun Olam

According to Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, an influential 18th century interpreter and systemic philosopher of Lurianic Kabbalah, the physical world is connected to spiritual realms above, and these spiritual realms in turn influence the physical world. In his view, as developed in his Derech Hashem, Jews have the ability, through physical deeds and free will, to direct and control these spiritual forces. These spiritual forces include tikkun (rectification, good; the presence of Divine light) and kilkul (damage, evil; not merely the absence of goodness and Divine light, but its own force that is strengthened by the absence of goodness and Divine light).
Inspiration For Today - A Word On 'Love'
"Therefore, when I say that ‘I love,’ it is not I who love, but in reality Love who acts through me. Love is not so much something I do as something that I am. Love is not a doing but a state of being - a relatedness, a connectedness to another mortal, an identification with her or him that simply flows within me and through me, independent of my intentions or my efforts." -- Robert A. Johnson
"When you are aware that you are the force that is Life, anything is possible. Miracles happen all the time, because those miracles are performed by the heart. The heart is in direct communion with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes; your heart opens another heart, and true love is possible." -- Don Miguel Ruiz
Scientists discover moral compass in the brain which can be controlled by magnets

The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on upbringing, religion or philosophy - but by the biology of our brains.
Dr Liane Young, who led the study, said: 'You think of morality as being a really high-level behaviour. To be able to apply a magnetic field to a specific brain region and change people's moral judgements is really astonishing.'
The moral compass lies in a part of the brain called the right temporo-parietal junction. It lies near the surface of the brain, just behind the right ear. The researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology used a non-invasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation to disrupt the area of the brain. The technique generates a magnetic field on a small part of the skull which creates weak electric currents in the brain. These currents interfere with nearby brain cells and prevent them from firing normally.
In the first experiment, 12 volunteers were exposed to the magnetic field for 25 minutes before they were given a series of 'moral maze' style scenarios. For each of the 192 scenarios, they were asked to make a judgement about the character's actions on a scale of 1 for 'absolutely forbidden' to 7 for 'absolutely permissible'.
In the second experiment, the magnetic field was applied to their heads at the time they were asked to weigh up the behaviour of the characters in the scenario. In both experiments, the magnetic field made the volunteers less moral.
One scenario described a man who let his girlfriend walk over a bridge he knew was unsafe. The girl survived unharmed. Under normal conditions, most people rate the man's behaviour as unacceptable. But after getting the magnetic pulse, the volunteers tended to see nothing wrong with his actions - and judged his behaviour purely on whether his girlfriend survived.
Another scenario described two girls visiting a chemical plant where one girl asks her friend to put sugar in her coffee. The friend uses powder from a jar marked 'toxic' - but as the powder turns out to be sugar, the girls if unharmed. Volunteers with a disrupted moral compass tended to rate the girl's behaviour as permissible because her friend was not injured - even though she was aware the powder came from a jar labelled toxic.
Throughout the experiment, irresponsible or deliberate actions that might have resulted in harm were seen as morally acceptable if the story had a 'happy ending', they reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (Daily Mail)
Monday, 29 March 2010
Three Quick Images

The Empress
Two Of Spheres
The Lovers
The calmness of The Empress. A calming maternal figure within an unstable situation. The mechanism of movement within the environment outside the control of either Madeleine or the maternal figure. The controller of the situation appears to be in the hands of a young male. The scales appear to be weighted by mercy and severity; however the latter currently imbalances the scales in its favour. There is thus conflict within the environment where Madeleine resides. The Lovers indicates some kind of union or agreement made. The situation appears to be monitored by someone who acts as an overseer, but is it in the powers of the overseer to have Madeleine returned?
copyright Matthew James
Snoopers Check We Don't Split Atoms

The Forthcoming Titanic Struggle
Maker of Crescents
Seven of Crescents
Prime of Weapons.
Maker of Crescents is a predominately blue card which represents the travelling blues from the south riding the crest of the wave after their recent high scoring success (7 of Crescents outlining this success). Crescents emphasises the tides of emotions linked to the 'blues'. Emotionally charged ... high tensions. The Prime of Weapons on the other hand emphasises the fire of the red devils. The sword seen upright and unsheathed. Taking the game to the emotional blues. Soldier-like and efficient. Restrained and controlled. Possibly level pegging at the half way stage ... then,
Judgement (#20) and the two of weapons. A double reference to 2 goals. Two of weapons obviously hints at 2 v 0 to the reds? But then the image of the card gives a sense of one goal apiece. A confusion here? A disallowed goal in the mix somewhere?
copyright Matthew James
Buddhist Inspiration ..
Utah Satanic Ritual Abuse: Satanists at Large
In late February 1995, the Utah Attorney General's office closed a two-and-a-half-year investigation with two investigators of "over 125 cases of alleged ritual crime. In some cases, these investigations involved hundreds of hours of investigation and evaluation. In addition, the Unit investigators have met with hundreds of citizens who claim to be victims of satanic, religious, physical or sexually motivated ritual crimes.
None of the allegations have resulted in prosecutions, except for the case of the Zion Society in Ogden." The investigators used a broad definition of ritual ("any customarily repeated act or series of acts"), differentiated between ritualism and occultism, and described eleven different types of occult groups.' ...Read more:...
The Boundaries Of Experience

Lincoln Park: International Abductions
Travelling in the company of Canadian Military personnel they were to be identified as the dependents of their handlers.
For the purpose of long term studies and the security of the secret programs it was imperative that the research subjects not know their true place of birth, the identity of their biological parents or the existence of any surviving family members...Read more:...
FDA Admits Millions of Patients Prescribed Illegal, Unapproved Medications by Doctors
But the majority of the drugs sold had not been approved for sale, nor had their safety and effectiveness been vetted, by the Food and Drug Administration.
And many doctors, who discovered only last week that pharmacies were giving their patients unproved heart tablets, now say they have no way of knowing whether patients have suffered unnecessarily as a result.' ...Read more:...
Stunning Research Shows High Potential for DNA Damage from Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are particles so small that they have fundamentally different physical and chemical properties than the same substances do at more familiar scales. Industry is increasingly adopting nanotechnology for a variety of applications, from consumer products to medicine, but the technology remains unregulated.' ...Read more...
Inspiration for the day
Andrew Schneider describes violence as an issue of power. People become violent when they feel powerless. Violence is used as an inappropriate way of attempting to re-establish one’s own sense of power over whatever or whomever is perceived as a threat. The antidote to violence in ourselves and in society is empowerment. We need to empower people to live out their best without fear. When people feel strong and able within themselves, they do not see themselves as potential victims. They do not have to struggle against others in order to feel secure. The curriculum for empowerment is learning and loving.
"Never use violence of any kind. Never threaten violence in any way. Never even think violent thoughts. Never argue because it attacks another’s opinion. Never criticize because it attacks another’s ego. And your success is guaranteed." -- Mohandas Gandhi
Junk food 'is as addictive as heroin and cigarettes'
Obesity researchers found fatty and sugary snacks trigger the same 'pleasure centres' in the brain that drive people into drug addiction - making them binge on unhealthy food. The findings could partly explain the soaring obesity rates in Britain and the success of fast food outlets. Experts studied rats fed on cheesecake, bacon and sausages. Soon after the experiments began the animals began to bulk up and show signs of addiction. 'It presents the most thorough and compelling evidence that drug addiction and obesity are based on the same underlying neurobiological mechanisms,' Professor Paul Kenny said. (Daily Mail)
How Plot To Stop Diana And Dodi's Affair Ended In ''Murder'

He said: “I never thought it was an accident and the jury in the inquest came back with a verdict of ‘unlawful killing’. “From a personal point of view I think there was a plan, and the plan was to disrupt and terminate the relationship between Diana and Dodi and that was going to be achieved – because things were escalating very fast in August of that year – by some kind of incident which would be violent.” During that summer, Diana and Dodi had been enjoying a leisurely sunshine break on the Fayed family yacht together. They are also said to have examined engagement rings. But Mr Mansfield believes the plot to split them up had gone further than was planned.
“In other words, as she (Diana) herself predicted that she might suffer serious injury in a car crash. I don’t think those who planned such events necessarily wanted the people dead. But that does not mean that it is not murder. Because if I have a plan which results in really serious harm, such as from a car crash, although I might not want you dead but you end up dead, you are liable to be prosecuted and convicted for murder. Because there are two types of intent for murder, one is the intention to kill and the other is the intention to do really serious harm. “I don’t personally believe they wanted them dead but they wanted to end the relationship by a serious accident and in that case they still can be prosecuted for murder as there was an intent of at least really serious harm.”
But Mr Mansfield, who has examined the case in fine detail, said those who carried out the plot remained the “unknown quantity” ... read more ...
Sunday, 28 March 2010
A Gaze Back ....

Copyright Matthew James
The term "Nakshatra," when broken down into its constituent parts: "naks" meaning "sky" and "shetra" meaning "region", translate into "Sky Map." Another translation is arrived at using a different dissection: "naksha" is "map" and "tara" is "star" and so Nakshatra is "Star Map." Both meanings clearly show that in the eyes of the ancient Vedic (Indian) seers the 27 Nakshatras (constellations) and not the 12 zodiacal star-signs map the sky.
It was the Moon that ancient people first looked to for calculating time and connecting to the stars. 'Nakshatras' is the name given to the constellations or mansions of the Moon, as the Moon resides in each of these constellations for one day.
The system of constellations is very ancient, dating back more than 5,000 years as they were referred to in the oldest Veda (Hindu's scripture). These lunar mansions appear in Chinese and Arabic astrology but have not received much attention in Western or European astrology. Each of the 27 Nakshatras consists of 13º and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Multiplying this length by 27 equals the entire zodiacal belt of 360 degrees.
The Nakshatras are classified in various ways, according to basic attribute, primary motivation (Kama - sensual desires; Artha - material desires; Dharma - living life based on spiritual principles; Moksha - liberation from birth and death), sex, caste, species and so on. They are particularly revealed by their presiding deities, ruling planets and their symbolic form.
The Nakshatra and the signs of the zodiac both begin from the same point. The beginning of the first Nakshatra, or constellation of Ashwini, the first Nakshatra, is the same as that of the first sign of Aries. Each sign contains the combined influence of the Nakshatras falling with it. Compared to the signs, the Nakshatra or Nakshatras possess a deeper effect. The signs are merely "a heap, mass, or collection" of influences as their Sanskrit name suggests.
The planets are the cosmic creative powers. Each planet radiates certain specialized forces. The planets make their impact on the zodiacal field. This specialized circle divided by the signs and Nakshatras is the negative or passive field of influences, while the planets are the positive or active fields. The signs and Nakshatras create the necessary environment, while the planets are the precipitating forces.
Prakriti (the female creative impulse) is the force that sustains the general background of the zodiac. Prakriti produces the basic conditions on which the seeds sprinkled by Purusha (the male consciousness factor) fructify and grow. The Nakshatras and signs of the zodiac are the passive creative potency whereas the planets are the creative or generating forces. The planets are active causes whereas the signs and Nakshatras are the material layer of the action. The Nakshatras and signs constitute the horizontal arm, while the planets represent the vertical arm in the cross of cosmic creation.
In Vedic astrology, the personality traits are read more through the birth star (Nakshatra of the Moon) than by the Sun sign. Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in the birth chart as well. The use of Nakshatra is very important in Vedic astrology, much more than with zodiac signs ... read more ...
Are You Being Delphied?
The goal of the Delphi technique is to lead a targeted group of people to a predetermined outcome, while giving the illusion of taking public input and under the pretext of being accountable to the public. For the Delphi to work, it is critical that the targeted group be kept away from knowledgeable people who could lead them away from the Delphier's predetermined outcome.
One variation on the Delphi technique is to use a series of meetings. The attendees are often given a number or a coloured card when they enter the room, to determine at which table they are to sit. The purpose of this is to break up the groups of potentially knowledgeable people who arrive together so that they will be sitting with strangers and therefore be subdued.
Typically, at each table is a facilitator, someone who will know which way to help "steer" the group. Usually the people at each table are instructed to answer among themselves some of the questions and arrive at a table consensus. Someone is chosen to speak for the table, most of the time it is the person who has been secretly pre-briefed about the desired Delphi outcome. The table spokesperson is the only one allowed to address the podium and the others have little opportunity to address the podium or the crowd directly.
Anyone knowledgeable enough, or brave enough, to speak out in opposition will not be welcomed. Often they are told from the podium, "We don't have time to discuss that now," or "We discussed that on another date," or “We can discuss that after the meeting.” They will attempt to quiet, isolate, and discredit dissenters. After attending the Delphi meeting, participants may feel uneasy that they are in disagreement with the apparent majority. The Delphi technique is often successful in bluffing people into submission. Don't let them succeed. Call their bluff.
The Delphi technique often uses a series of surveys to bring about "consensus." The surveys are promoted as information gathering regarding the wishes of the targeted public, but in reality they are designed to manipulate the desired outcome. The survey will sometimes use a grading like, "agree all of the time," "agree most of the time," "agree some of the time," "agree not much," "agree never." Or, the survey grading will ask the respondents to use ratings like "most important," "moderately important," "least important."
The questions are typically "loaded" questions. An example is the question asked of Oregon teachers on a Delphi technique survey: "Do you agree or disagree that the following elements of H.B. 3565 [Oregon's Education Act for the 21st Century] will lead to improved student learning if implemented?" The survey listed such items for the teachers to agree or disagree with; "site councils," "increased accountability for school site and districts," "full funding for preschool programs to enable all students to enter school ready to learn," "extended school year," "certificate of initial mastery," etc. The question is patently "loaded." For example, site councils are not charged with improving student learning. Their function is to implement the state law, dole out professional development courses and money to selected teachers, and apply for grants from foundations and the federal government. For the teachers to answer, "agree" or "disagree", that the site councils will lead to improved student learning is misdirecting the respondent ... read more ...
The Basic Structure of a Tarot Deck

Daily Yi ... No. 3, Difficulty at the Beginning:
"When it is a man's fate to undertake new beginnings, everything is still unformed, dark." [Wilhelm]
This is the future of the time of Contemplation. The Image of this hexagram is clouds and thunder, the chaos of the storms of spring from which natural growth arises.
Remember - all true growth is organic. "Accept and bear with the discomfort of chaos without attempting to push it away. Allow it to clear of its own accord, in its own time." [Walker] Go slow, don't bite off more than you can chew, and look for friends who can help and support you. "Supreme success" lies waiting.
What is this "new beginning" for you?
Britain Faces Losing Power Over Its Own Budget Under New Plans For an 'Economic Government of the EU'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is pressing for 'oversight' of national economies to be included in controversial arrangements that were agreed by EU leaders yesterday. She wants to introduce financial penalties for states with persistently high budget deficits, giving the EU a high degree of control.
This could see Britain forfeiting the £2billion annual 'structural funds' paid out to some of the nation's poorer areas by Brussels.' ...Read more:...

The FDA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) receives around 10-12,000 reports of serious vaccination reactions annually, with about 1% fatal. However, the NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) investigation on VAERS reports that based on a New York study, 97.5% of vaccine related deaths and disabilities are not reported to/by the FDA. So the number of annual American fatalities is likely closer to 1000 and disabilities closer to 100,000. On top of this, the catch-all diagnosis SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), killing up to 10,000 babies a year, has been shown to “coincidentally” occur shortly after immunizations/vaccinations. (Atlantean Conspiracy)
Outer space: Nasa's multi-screen wonder wall

Inspiration For The Day
"Change is created by those whose imaginations are bigger than their circumstances" -- Unknown source
Bolton 0 v 4 Man Utd

A point ahead in the title race at the afternoon's outset, United briefly relinquished the lead to Chelsea, who hammered Aston Villa 7-1 at Stamford Bridge, but re-established their slender advantage with a performance of growing authority. Bolton provided stern opposition in the initial stages, weathering an early United storm and testing Edwin van der Sar's reflexes through Johan Elmander and, notably, Muamba, who drew a flying, fingertip save from the United keeper But Samuel's own goal - the 11th that has gone in United's favour this season - was a hammer blow, and once Berbatov had tucked home to double the champions' lead in the 69th minute, the spirit slowly ebbed from Owen Coyle's side. (BBC Sport)