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3 Mobile Australia Is Nearly HALF The Speed Of Dial Up
Another gripe of the day regarding 3 Mobile Australia; a scratched record I know ... but Dialup speed is 56kbps and earlier today the line speed was recorded at almost half that speed - 34Kbps! 3 Mobile/Vodafone you should be ashamed of yourself!!! Two months ago the line speed was consistently average (1.5Kbps) and it wasn't an issue. Here we are two months later with the same computer; the same wireless stick; the same location; doing the same thing (And the computer has been maintained so nothing internally is clogging it up!) ... and we get a speed of 34Kbps only!! That's 44 times slower ... and well outside the speeds that 3 Mobile promise when you sign up!! How many poor souls are being ripped off with this rather corrupt service??? We would love to hear from anyone out there using 3 Mobile ... who are experiencing the same SLOW speeds.