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Friday, 19 March 2010
Call for Civil Disobedience - A Worldwide Strike by the Oppressed
'The blogosphere and meeting places have been alight with anger, outrage, frustration. And questions about how to defeat our tyrannical 'masters' that make our lives a living hell. Gandhi found non-compliance to be an effective tool to defeat his masters. And he was just one man .Imagine what we could achieve, if we made a concerted effort, for a given number of days. The fact is, the corporations want our money. The government needs our money. The 'mainstream' media are the mouthpieces of these monsters. And all of them are the cause of our misery. If we starve them of it for a spell, how would that affect them?We've lost the ability to think for ourselves because we've been programmed not to. If we cease to tune into their propaganda and instead, explore the alternative media, we see a different picture from the one they want us to see. We think for ourselves and join up the dots.' ...Read more...