Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 20 March 2010

How To Create Reality ...

First of all, you must realize that you do create your own reality! This has been said by every great spiritual leader, metaphysician, leading-edge scientist, and non-physical entity. Also, you must realize that nobody can do it for you, only you can create your reality! This is an essential metaphysical principle.

Once you understand this, the first thing you'll want to know is how you can consciously create a "better" reality for yourself. The answer is through the law of attraction. The Law of attraction is the Universal Law through which you create your reality. It is the same for everyone, it doesn't matter what race you are or what your current financial status is. If an average rich person and an average poor person both jump off a building, they will both hit the ground. This is the law of gravity. The law of attraction works the same way.

It is vital to understand the Law of Attraction as thoughts are very powerful things, and every thought attracts to you that thing which you are thinking about. It doesn't matter whether you consciously want that thing or not. Another way to put this is you become what you think about, or thoughts become reality. If this is your first time hearing this, it may come as a shock. But the law of attraction is evident everywhere. For example, the people who speak most about abundance of money are usually wealthy, the people who speak most of health and wellness are usually healthy.

The law of attraction only attracts things, it does not repel what you do not want. So if you are constantly thinking about what you do not want, you are still attracting that. So if you are focusing on preventing illness, you are actually attracting illness. Instead focus on health and wellness, since this is what you really want.

Now you may be thinking why don't thoughts manifest instantly. This is actually a very good thing, it is a buffering effect. You would not want to be in a reality where your thoughts manifest instantly. If you were watching a scary movie then you would instantly manifest that thing into your life. This is why the Law of Attraction only attracts what you focus on over a period of time.
You may also be thinking that it is going to be very hard to monitor and control all your thoughts. The beautiful thing is that you do not have to, because we are born with a wonderful guidance system called emotions. Your emotions are created by your thoughts and beliefs (we will get into these a little later). There are only really two types of emotions: good ones and bad ones. We give these all sorts of names, but they can be classified as either good or bad. If you are experiencing a good emotion then you are attracting that which is in line with what you want. If you are experiencing bad emotions, then you are attracting that which you do not want. So basically, to create the life of your dreams all you must do is feel good, and you will attract the perfect life for you ... read more ...