And the moonlight magnifies their deception. Those sickly rays enter the minds of men. Its power be in deception and illusion. Deny those dreams of power, mankind. For they be a foolish thing. Deny the anvils placed in your minds by the food chains you digest. Belial hast you like a puppet on its strings. It fools you and makes you wander along the stepping stones it desires you to wander along. It manipulates your freewill.
The Sons Of Belial are in control.
They rule this earth. They run the governments, the monarchies; the banks; the religions. They say how it will be and that is the way it goes. They have the technology to control mankind en-masse. I know for I too feel the illusionary voices in the back of my mind. I feel the moonlight tentacles that come at night and promise more illusion. More of the same.
Mankind is easily fooled for it knows not how to lead itself. It needs other to give instruction; direction. It can no longer make choices for itself. It spends too much time seeking second opinions form all around. It has completely dis-attached itself from the source. This forms the basis of my report." (Extract taken from 'The Chronicles Of Ezra' written by Matthew James)