Admittedly, this suit can appear to have a sombre tone. Lay all the swords out before you, and you will pick up on many subtle variables of energy.
Swords rule the unseen realm of air. Therefore, their symbolism deals with matters of thought and mind. Many scholars consider the swords to represent challenges or difficulties. This is a valid point, and can be put to good use in a reading. The Tarot swords represent a window into the realm of intangibles.
On the surface, the suit of swords represents:
The Mind
Self-Image (ego)
We all know the mind can be slippery. In this light, we begin to understand its sometimes morose, moody or mysterious looking illustrations in many deck renditions. Furthermore, most decks depict the Tarot swords in dark backdrop hues (usually deep blues or purples) with starkly contrasting steely grey blades striking out at our intuitive senses.
The reason for this stark canvas is to convey a message that the realm of the mind is serious business. One cannot approach the subject of the mind lightly. It is one of the most powerful, incredible devices in the Universe ... read more ...