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Saturday 12 February 2011

Is the real-life Da Vinci Code about to be decoded? Scientists finally work out age of mystery manuscript

The bizarre sequence of symbols, charts and figures have baffled the world of science for the last 100 years. But now thanks to carbon dating, researchers have finally begun to pick apart the secrets of the Voynich manuscript, the most alien artifact of its kind in the world. They have been able to determine for the first time that it was written in the early 15th century, more than 100 years earlier than previously thought. He spent the remaining 18 years of his life trying to decipher its mixture of plants, circles and humans praying to the fountain of youth but died before completing his task. The manuscript has been passed down through generations of scientists since then who have concluded that it is some kind of language - even if they don’t know what it means. The latest to take up the challenge were a team from the University of Arizona who dissected four 1mm by 6mm sections from four sample pages they were given by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, which is where it is being stored. (Daily Mail)