Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Top Ten Edgar Cayce Predictions...part 3

6. A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon. A shift in focus and study will occur. The world will give more weight to spiritual phenomena and less weight to the materialized or material phenomena. This new field of spiritual-science will become just as practical and as measurable as any other phase of human experience.

7. A "City of Gold" will be discovered in the Gobi Desert. It will have a temple with elevators; electric cars, and magical elements.

8. New York State's east coast and New York City itself will disappear.

9. America's west coast will be destroyed and there will be widespread destruction in Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as in many portions of the west coast. Land will appear off the coast of America. The Great Lakes will drain into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River. Earth changes will occur in the central portion of the United States as well. There will be some safe places in the US. They are; Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, the central and some eastern states, to name a more...