'Come drink from my cup and I will show you all the treasures and all the riches' ... the usual greeting any inexperienced initiate will receive from the archetypal Apollo when venturing through the astral lands of Yesod. One drink from that cup and they are lost on a flight of fantasy for 'one year and a day'. They are the greatest thing since sliced bread; the saviour come to save the world ... they implicitly believe everything Apollo says to them. No matter what the outside world says or how they react ... the initiate will not listen. The internal dialogue is their guru and it feeds their ego ... making them feel special. Making them indeed feel like they are the chosen one. Unchecked this condition is chronic madness. It turns the initiate into a gibbering wreck and thrusts them into situations they cannot cope with. This is the sternest test any mystic must go through to control their ego. It is the internal struggle between knowing what is right ... and knowing what is wrong. Without proper and correct guidance the initiate will stumble at the feet of Apollo ... Yesod is the land of imagination and magic. It is the place of the akashic records. It is where all magic begins its seeding prior to manifestation. Therefore it stands to reason that those inexperienced magicians who do not realise this situation are going to manifest nonesense in their lives ... and other people's lives ... until they have truly overcome their own madness ... and have managed to learn the acute difference between what is wrong and what is right. Any true teacher will merely nod at the initiate, realise where that person is ... and leave them to it. A confrontation with the initiate in that state is pointless. They will refuse to listen to reason ... and decry any offer of help. They know better after all. I thus shake my head at this time ... there are many budding magicians at this current time who are gorging on the sickly sweet fruits of Apollo. What can I do? They will not listen ... they know no difference as they have never received proper guidance! Their own teachers stand beside them eating from the same fruits ... I only hope that a year and a day arrives soon ... and they realise the error of their ways!!! (Copyright Matthew James 11th April 2011)