Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Who's Fuel Are You?

Where's your energy going? Never mind the money, products or what have you that you are generating, what is harvesting your intention, enthusiasm, dreams and desires? Are you anywhere near in control of your life?

Why is it humanity seems to be spinning its wheels rather than progressing, while the insane scientific, military industrial complex accelerates in size and power like a monstrous metastasizing ghoulish tumor?

The answer is clearly in the question.

Whether you go for the esoteric concept that inter-dimensional or spiritual entities are ultimately behind this rapacious control system or not, clearly we're not getting anywhere toward the advancement of the human condition. Instead it's rapidly regressing. We're following a script with very little to say about it, while being bombarded with a propaganda barrage that's telling us it's a natural progression of events.
It's not. At more>>>...