Magick Journal
20th September 2014
In keeping with my TRUE PATH I’ve
become much more aware of the earth energies, the elementals, the Fey and the
signals from the nature vibration itself in recent weeks. Life has taken on a
new wonder, a wonder which is omnipresent and eternal. No amount of negative
intention in the world will EVER destroy Gaia’s will and existence.
It may only be a small gesture
tomorrow, a tiny pebble tossed into the raging sea of energies on this planet,
but that tiny gesture I hope will represent one of the primal seeds that help
end the chaos and the negative reign on this planet.
Tides are turning, and 2014 has
suddenly become a key time line point in the war between light and dark. There
are frantic attempts by agencies of the darkness to plunge this world into
eternal chaos and slavery. The actions of the light may appear small in
comparison, but believe me we carry the blessings of the universe … ‘our medals
may well be in the post’ so to speak … but know the outcome of this final
battle has already been decided and played out amongst the higher vibrations.
We are merely experiencing the physical expression of that battle. The light
does win! The darkness runs scared as it lives on fear and hatred. It watches
its back constantly, scared for its very existence. The light is fearless and
connected. The darkness is separation and segregation. The darkness fights
amongst itself. The light now gathers and patiently grows in incandescence.
That light will be felt amongst
those who partake in the gathering tomorrow. I will be taking my part in the
ritual very seriously. It is an honour and a fantastic chance to express what
is really my path and my bloodline … Matthew James