New Dawn Magazine: I have been studying our Sun for some years, focusing on the
influence of erratic solar behaviour (erratic from a modern human
perspective) on the course of human development and civilisation. One of
my major conclusions is that the last ice age ended abruptly circa 9700
bce due to a major solar outburst (or series of outbursts). Solar
activity is intimately tied to climate changes on Earth, which in turn
have major effects on life on our planet, including humanity.
Following the solar agitation and disturbances that ended the last
ice age and possibly continued for several millennia, during the last
8,000 years or so the Sun has been relatively stable, with periods of
quiescence. In modern times, that is since about the middle of the twentieth
century, the Sun has shown increasing signs of agitation, of
variability, of erratic behaviour, of “mood swings,” the likes of which
have not occurred since the solar outbursts that ended the last ice age.
If we were to witness a repeat of the events, the solar outbursts, that
ended the last ice age, there is no doubt our modern technological
civilisation would be utterly decimated. We would be thrown back to a
“stone age” and worse. Why do I say “and worse”? Because today we have
hundreds of nuclear power plants around the more>>>...