What I sighted, appearing out of thin air, were four or five FOUR FOOT high beings wearing strange Egyptian like helmets with some kind of appendage on their chests which could have been breathing gear. VERY interesting:
[Collective Evolution]: According to Richard Doty, in the
interview below with Dr. Steven Greer, maker of the hit documentary
that’s currently on Netflix called “Unacknowledged,” the US government
is aware of at least four different extraterrestrial species that’ve
visited this planet.
Dr. Greer is well-known for interviewing
multiple people with interesting, verified backgrounds, especially from
the military and intelligence agencies. He’s a major reason as to why
the topic of UFOs has garnered so much attention.
According to Doty:
There were four types of crafts that
they showed us, four types of extraterrestrials, and they never
explained to us where they got the pictures of these extraterrestrials
but there were actually pictures of these weird looking creatures that
showed on the film that were extraterrestrials from some other location
different from where the EBENs came from.
One was looking like an insect, had huge
eyes, very large head, a small body. They had two different appendages
on their arms, they had basically two hands on each arm. They had
several joints in their legs, and they had a bubble type appendage in
the front and a lump or something in the back, that was one of them.
They were about the size of an average human.
The second one was a very tall thing,
very very thin humanoid that had long arms. Arms reached down probably
to its knees, they had regular hands. Their faces were very very thin.
They were almost human looking, unless you really really study them and
got real close to them. They didn’t have any hair, they had cat like
And then there was a third creature… It
looked something like the EBEN but it was bigger, it had a bigger body. I
found out later in a briefing that I had, in 1995, that that was a
genetically engineered creature that the EBENs made… They knew it was
genetically engineered, and I don’t know how, they didn’t ever tell us
The “EBENs,” which stands for extraterrestrial biological entities, Doty
describes as “about four feet tall” and that they “didn’t appear to
have any ears, they had an indentation for the nose. They had very big
eyes. They had a very tight fitting suit, almost looked like they were
nude, but they actually had a very thin but tight fitting suit on.
thumbs just four fingers, suction devices on their tips of their
fingers. One of them had a head apparatus on it, maybe a helmet or some
kind of an ear phone, or some type of device that they were
communicating with the craft or with something else, and they found a
number of different objects in the craft. They had a piece of what they
thought was plexiglass that they kept for years before they figured out
it was an energy device for the craft.” ...read more>>>...