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Thursday 5 September 2019

Hockey Stick Climate Change Graph is Evidence-Free

[Humans are Free]: The hockey stick graph has become a well-known term and concept in climate change circles. AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) or manmade global warming advocates have often tried to justify climate change alarmism by citing data and pointing to graphs that show an extreme, drastic and historically unprecedented rise in temperature.

This rise is depicted on a graph as a sharp, steep upturn that resembles a hockey stick, hence the term. Last week the BC Supreme Court in Canada finally concluded a 9-year long defamation case by dismissing it. The lawsuit was brought forward by climatologist Michael Mann (who has pushed AGW on the public for decades) against retired professor Dr. Tim Ball.

The hockey stick became an infamous term in climate change circles due to Mann’s work, though perhaps now it will become more a symbol of fraud.

Mann failed to produce the evidence and data required in a court of law to justify the hockey stick graph. Mann was also part of the Climategate scandal. The news was broken by climate site on August 22nd.

Mann was a Big Part of more>>>...