Strange planetary objects in the sky. A fake sun array and weird solar activity. Chemtrails and geo-engineering. U.N Agenda 2030 and the fear of mass human depopulation. Climate change anxiety and the emergence of the man made climate change hoax.
Just a few of the signs that something VERY ominous is abroad on the earth plane. The skies are clearly not the same as they were. Something significant is being hidden from the general public of the earth. The Elite and others in the know are deep in preparation for something very important to them; something bad for the remaining 97% on this earth plane. Clearly, changes are afoot as a critical part in their agenda has arrived - the time it has to come out in the open; they can no longer hide their agenda in the shadows. The final push. The final stage in a plan nearly 3500 years in the making; give or take a decade or so.
Perhaps it really is Nibiru and its planetary system they hide from us. A large planet or sun comprised of plasma energy; rays of which cause significant havoc on this plane including earthquakes, volcanoes and serious weather systems. It would appear chemtrails are partially to hide what is really out there in the sky.
It appears we are approaching The End Of Days. So what next for the 90% who are deemed to be no longer required on this plane? What way will they exterminate us? What of the remaining 7%/ What kind of life will they have as clear slaves and food stock for the alien race returning; about ready to claim back their home dimension, this earth plane.
This is real. So very real. Look around you and see it all for yourself. Mankind's society crumbling from the very core. Oxygen levels deliberately being depleted. Biological life exterminated bit by bit. The sun being dimmed; being hidden from view by a fake sun array. What is going on beyond the chemtrail clouds that enshroud this plane?
What happens when the time comes for us all to leave this plane? What then? Where will our consciousness find itself?