[S.O.T.T]: The theory of evolution was imagined by a guy who knew nothing about the cell, heredity, and genetics. The theory was later shown by genetics, and the discovery of DNA and the complexity of everything in the cell, to be totally implausible. But instead of acknowledging that it doesn't work, evolution is being promoted as fact.
We're told that species evolve into other species, even though nobody can explain how it could happen step by step, and nobody has ever seen it happen. That's not science. That's dogmatism of the worst kind.
Darwinists absolutely cannot explain the origin of life. Their attempts to do so invoke mechanisms that have never been observed in nature. That's not science. They are often reluctant to even admit that DNA contains very sophisticated code. They have no way of dealing with that fact. The only origin of a code that we've ever observed is design.
Therefore the only theory of the origin of the code in the DNA that can be called scientific is that it was designed, because that's the only theory that reflects our real-world, observable and provable experience. But instead, Darwinists suggest ideas that are completely improbable and have never been observed to work. That's as unscientific as you can get.
It's like observing all your life that nails end up in wood as a result of being hit by a hammer (or similar device), and then seeing a nail in wood and claiming that it must have accidentally sunk in. Why? Why ignore what you've been observing your whole life? The idea that atoms self-assemble into complex, functional living cells is not scientific. Saying "Yes, it's very improbable and nobody has ever seen it, but it happened!" is like saying "Yes, I know nobody has ever seen a Unicorn, but they exist!" No scientist takes such claims seriously, except in the case of evolution.
The idea that 'things could have started simple' and evolved gradually is nonsense. The smallest bacteria make hundreds of proteins. Nobody has a clue how a cell could function with, say, just a few dozen proteins. Just making a protein requires over a hundred already existing proteins. Replicating DNA requires 32 proteins.
Suggesting all of these things could work with less, even though nobody has a damn clue how, is not science. It's just bullshitting one's way out of the fact that evolution doesn't work. These ideas are completely unrealistic and serve only to artificially keep alive the evolution zombie. Either you can show how it could work, or you're just making things up.
The interdependence of things in the cell and in living organisms shows that evolving such systems gradually doesn't make any sense. You can't make proteins without DNA, but you need proteins to read, transcribe, and replicate DNA. There are so many chicken-and-egg problems in biology that it's ridiculous. What's the explanation? "We can't really explain it exactly, but we know it happens." How do they "know"? They don't. They believe it. It's a dogmatic belief, not science....read more>>>...
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