[Natural News]: Are we alone in the universe? It’s one of the most important questions of our time, a question whose answer has huge implications for the human race, and truly leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. The general scientific consensus within the mainstream world is that no, we are clearly not alone and there is definitely, not only life, but intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
On the other hand, we have a great deal of information that has yet to hit the mainstream alluding to the fact that we, or at least some of us, know for a fact that we are not alone, and have been privy to the evidence suggesting that we have been visited in the past, and are being visited now
In the mainstream, it’s well known that the militaries of the world have had encounters with UFOs, objects that travel at tremendous speeds and perform maneuvers that defy our understanding of aerodynamics. Christopher Mellon, who served 30 years in the federal government and was Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1997 to 2002 and in security and information operations from 1998 to 1999 published a highly credible Washington post article that detailed a number of UFO encounters with the military. This has been corroborated by millions of pages of declassified documents, electro-optical data and more for decades...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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