[Humans are Free]: Greta Thunberg became the poster child for climate hysteria and fraud by sailing across the Atlantic in a supposedly “zero-carbon” yacht, the Malizia II, which in fact was made out of petroleum products from stem to stern, as pointed out by CFACT:
"Malizia II does not have a diesel auxiliary engine, as other boats in its class do. It drags turbines through the water and uses solar to recharge batteries. This does not make it “Green.”
"Malizia II, like the rest of the yachts in the Imoca 60 class, is constructed from high-tech carbon fiber composites to make it ultra light and fast. It is the ultimate play thing of the wealthy elite. These boats are made of hydrocarbons, not to mention all the energy it took to make them.
"Carbon fiber composites are primarily made from propane and petroleum. This boat was pumped out of the ground."
Like the current clown-car group of Democrat presidential candidates and Hollywood liberals who fly private jets to climate conferences, Thunberg’s fossil-fuel supported stunt was not about climate and not about real sacrifice.
It was about shaming the Industrial Revolution and capitalism, things which have reduced planetary poverty to historic lows and fueled technologies that have raised the global standard of living to historic highs that more people than ever before share in.
It is not about climate. It is about creating a climate of fear, a picture of imminent planetary doom that can only be forestalled by government’s control of every aspect of our lives from the energy we use, to the food we eat, to the land we use, to our modes of transportation.. Everything from cows to combustion engines are bad.
That is the mantra behind both the Green New Deal and Thunberg’s trip. And if it sounds familiar, it should, for it is the direct descendant of the mother of all sustainable development plans known as Agenda 21.
Agenda 21, as Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) noted in a June 7, 2012 editorial, was a fundamental assault on the rights our Founding Fathers fought for, the basis for the freedoms and democracy that we enjoy. It is all for surrendering those rights on the altar of “social justice” and planetary salvation...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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