[Natural News]: There’s a mass population reduction scheme underway, but it’s not because the world’s too crowded or there’s “not enough food” to feed the masses.
The Deep State government wants complete control of you and your children, and that’s easier to accomplish if everyone is living in a cloud, sick and confused, malnourished and toxic.
Over-population is a fake problem. It’s fake news, just like global warming.
The Globalists and the Democrats are pushing hard to convince everyone that global warming and overpopulation are real, so we’ll all vote for Big Government to come save us from ourselves, by taxing us heavily and force injecting us with those “safe and effective” vaccines. We must grow genetically modified food to save the starving, over-populated world, or so they claim. Then you drive 30 minutes outside of just about any metropolitan city and it’s nothing but forests, mountains, or farm land.
The news won’t talk about what’s really wrong with our world, like pesticide-laden food and mercury-laced flu shots and nuclear poison leaking from Fukushima into the ocean (600 times higher than “safe” levels). The mass media won’t mention that antibiotics are so overused in the CAFO farm animals and in U.S. hospitals that they’re all about to become obsolete, while superbugs (antibiotic-resistant virus and bacteria) spread out of control at your favorite hospitals and doctor’s offices.
Did you know that vaccines spread diseases more than they prevent them. It’s called virus shedding and it’s real. Check the facts. What’s worse is that those diseases are not just the wild ones, they are genetically modified and contain cells from human abortions and African green monkey kidneys.
It’s a medical horror story not many people know, or they would also realize this is a form of population control, and it’s working quite well. Kids develop autism, central nervous system disorders, and of course, fertility issues. That’s why Big Pharma pushes the HPV vaccine on 9-year-young girls. It’s not about preventing cancer, especially when that type of cancer comes from sharing heroin needles and from having sex with prostitutes...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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