With all eyes on EXTINCTION REBELLION, is anyone aware of its true purpose? With the skies covered in toxic chemtrails and fake skies, are we actually seeing the real sky above the earth plane? What is really up there?
How many of the 20,000 5G satellites are now in place up there?? How close is the 5G prison being to be rolled out? Extinction Rebellion is linked to 5G.
These claims of limited time left for mankind etc spoken of by the climate anxiety death cult, what if it relates to the time left before the prison is in place??
Think about this INSANE demand for CARBON ZERO by 2025 (Or sooner) .... does anyone realise what will cease to happen around the world?
No manufacture, no transportation, no world trade; no distribution of foods; no distribution of water; no heating or power or cooling; no refridgeration of foods; no communication systems; no work; no financial earnings; no banking; no hospitals.
More ALARMING is the realisation that billions of humans exhale CO2; so in order to comply with CARBON ZERO we humans cannot exhale CO2 any more ... which means we all will have to stop breathing or farting for that matter.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.