His words were understandably met with ridicule by media outlets. This is interesting to observe given that the topic of UFOs has been taken seriously within the mainstream as of late. The existence of UFOs performing manevuers no man-made piece of machinery can has been confirmed. This is no longer taboo, and neither is the extraterrestrial hypothesis as an explanation for the origin of these objects. CNN and the New York Times provide a few of many examples. Linked within those articles you’ll find a deeper discussion about “mainstream media UFO disclosure,” as it’s something many seem to be concerned about.
As far as a Galactic Federation goes,
Eshed’s claims are not where the idea comes from. This idea is decades
old and comes from many “channelers”, people who claim to be in
telepathic or physical contact with beings from the federation. It came
from a 1977 mainstream media broadcast that was interrupted, and it’s also mentioned in a declassified CIA document from the 1980’s showing an attempt to “remote view” the “Galactic Federation” headquarters on Earth....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...