Did you know that according to the CDC, as of August 2020, only 9210 Americans had died from Covid19?
“We had suspected governments were manipulating the death toll numbers from the coronavirus pandemic. But the full extent of the fraud has only now become apparent as the CDC’s own data reveals just six percent of officially reported deaths with COVID19 were FROM COVID19. The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes.”
Did you also know that the CDC admits that they have never been able to isolate (aka identify) the coronavirus? Hmmm…..if you can’t isolate a virus, how can you test for it or create a vaccination?
Why does the PCR test result in over 90% false positives for Covid?
Did you know that the PCR test has not been approved for diagnostic purposes, and in fact, its inventor, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly, yet unsuccessfully, stressed that this test should not be used as a diagnostic tool.”
“[PCR tests] are simply incapable of diagnosing any disease. If someone tests positive, it does not mean that they’re infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus.” Quoted directly from page 38 of the CDC publication on Covid and the PCR tests dated July 13 2020.
This may explain why the PCR Test results in approx. 90% false positives.
“Obviously, if a virus cannot be monitored reliably, the associated disease or deaths cannot be established accurately. Hence, we see confusion and inaccuracies over the predicted death rate which turns out to be no higher than a normal to severe flu.”
As you probably already know, Covid vaccines are being rushed in record time, and in fact, in the race to approve Covid vaccines, the U.S government has allowed vaccine companies to bypass important safety guidelines. For instance, vaccine companies are generally required to study the long term effects on large groups of people, and in comparison, the Covid vaccine has only been studied on small groups of healthy people – and only for short term effects. Plus, the vaccine companies have completely bypassed animal trials.
Although it generally takes at least 8 years to approve a vaccination, Covid vaccines are now being
“approved” (and administered) in little more than 8 months.
Since Covid vaccines are not properly tested, there’s no way to determine safety – especially when it comes to long-term effects.
Furthermore, the new mRNA vaccines (for Covid) have the potential to cause irreversible harm by permanently altering our DNA, and since these new mRNA vaccines are based on new technology, they never been used before (except in very small, short clinical trials).
Honestly, by “playing” with human RNA, vaccine makers have absolutely no idea of the potential side effects (especially the long term effects), and in fact, more than one vaccine company has openly admitted that they expect to see excessive injuries from the Covid vaccine.
So, when you’re considering a Covid vaccine, don’t let the word “approved” fool you!...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...