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Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Declassified FBI Document Mentions Nikola Tesla’s Contact With “Space People”

[Collective Evolution]: Many decades ago Wernher Von Brauns mentor Hermann Oberth, the founding father of rocketry and astronautics, also known as the ‘father of Spaceflight’ stated his belief that “flying saucers are real” and that “they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.” He wrote these words in “Flying Saucers Come From A Distant World”, The American  Weekly, Oct 24, 1954. At the time, academics like Oberth were well aware of the UFO phenomenon, and today the topic has gained even more ‘credibility’ given that multiple governments have now confirmed the existence of these objects. There is no shortage of radar tracking data, video evidence, photo evidence and high ranking witness testimony that’s now available within the public domain. This seems to be confusing many people, as “mainstream UFO disclosure” is taking off after a decades long campaign of “ridicule and secrecy.”...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....