[Humans Are Free]: Attorney Lin Wood has been peeling away the layers of evil, revealing
the truth about how the entire world is controlled by a global cabal of
extortionists who blackmail top leaders with video tapes that capture
their acts of pedophilia and child murder.
This has been covered by the independent media for years, but the corporate media, Big Tech and courts have covered it up (because they are all complicit).
to early morning tweets from Lin Wood, “Chief Justice John Roberts
& a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being
blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of
children captured on videotape.”
Lin Wood says he has a decryption key to the video files, and he explains that others do, too.
implies that this is why Chief Justice Roberts has consistently
rendered SCOTUS decisions that appear to be traitorous to the United
States of America. He is being controlled and blackmailed, it is
alleged....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....
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