When they forbade breathing fresh air, we remained silent.
When they closed the hospitals to the ill, we remained silent.
Our cemeteries have been closed
They sentenced the chronically ill to death
They forbid meetings on holidays
They locked our children at home
They locked up seniors
They forbade visiting your relatives and friends in hospitals
They forbade mothers to access their child after giving birth
They forbade parents to visit their ill children in hospitals
We put rags on the faces of our children, generating disease and inhibiting brain development.
We destroy their psyche by forbidding them to leave the house until 16:00, depriving people of contact with their peers, teaching that you must not come close to people, you must not touch them.
The lack of touch is damage to the psyche.
They forbade meetings.
They agreed for us that they would inject chemicals into our bodies
They introduced lawlessness
They deprived the right to be a SUBJECT OF the law
They deprived us from humanity
They robbed us from dignity
We naively believe that it will all end soon. Against logic, we believe notorious liars that they will not deceive us again.
We deny the facts. How many times have I written that there will be a second lockdown in the fall, that there will be a third in the spring. You did not believe. The second is already here. The third yet to be. Then the fourth.
The entire next year will be the same as this year.
And then another year.
And you will still be under the illusion that this time it is the last closure.
Turn off the televisions.
Listen to the independent media. Look for materials. It has all been planned for a long time.
False pandemic = smoke screen for NWO implementation
We can stop it with massive, gigantic protests. Otherwise, it will be exactly what the scenario predicts.
In short words, everything important in the world is set by global
agendas, whose names sound nice, which actually serve to achieve goals
set and financed by globalists. Of course there must always be some kind
of smoke screen for distraction....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...