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Monday 4 January 2021

Situation Update, Jan. 4th, 2021 – Election theater is cover for the global extermination agenda

[Natural News]: The coronavirus bioweapon, forced lockdowns and dangerous covid-19 vaccines have all been rolled out for the same purpose: To carry out mass global genocide against humanity as part of an emergency depopulation order.

Election drama is merely part of the theatrical distraction from the much larger globalist agenda which targets all the masses — regardless of politics, race or gender — for terminal destruction.

The mRNA vaccine platform is described by Moderna as an “operating system” being installed in your body, upon which “software” in the form of mRNA is deployed and updated to produce “applications” which are proteins. This is all described on Moderna’s own web site.

The goal of installing this operating system in your body, of course, is so that globalist-linked corporations can exercise remote control over your physiology while claiming intellectual property ownership over your body’s cells.

In essence, all who take the mRNA vaccine are being branded like cattle and coerced into replicating patented mRNA strands at the cellular level, thus engaging in intellectual property theft, allowing vaccine corporations to claim ownership of your entire body.

The election situation has collapsed into chaos, with the 10-day emergency investigation commission now appearing to be yet another delay tactic to assuage patriots and Trump supporters all the way until January 20th, when Biden will be quietly sworn in (unless Trump and the patriots stop him first).

With the “Reclaiming a Superpower” report now published by a cyber warfare investigations team, it’s clear that literally every institution of government — the courts, SCOTUS, governors, congress, law enforcement, etc. — is completely corrupt and utterly unable to honestly examine the overwhelming evidence of election fraud that continues to emerge by the day.

There is no solution to corrupt government that can come from corrupt government itself.

It looks increasingly like the only real solution to all this will be an uprising of patriots who take down the entire corrupt system, most likely by force....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...