[Daily OM]: In most spiritual circles, the ego
gets a pretty bad rap. The reason for this is that the ego, to some
extent, is the principle in our psyches that separates us from one
another, while spirit is the principle that shows us that no such
separation exists. Sometimes the ego is depicted as an almost demonic
figure that keeps us from realizing our true nature. But at its most
basic, the ego is simply a tool that helps us organize the various
aspects of our personality so that we can function in the world. In this
sense, the ego is simply a way for us to understand and attend to
ourselves at the same time as we understand and attend to the world
around us. The ego is a tool that we use to navigate the world.
Perhaps the problem is that the ego sometimes gets out of control. This
happens when the higher self loses control of the psyche. The psyche
then falls under the leadership of the ego, an entity that was never
meant to lead. The ego is meant to be definitively in the service of the
higher self. When this relationship is functioning, the ego is a useful
intermediary representing the whole self but not thinking that it is
the whole self. Then, it is almost as if the ego is the self playfully
pretending to be the separate entity called "I." Like an actor, the ego
plays the roles that the world asks us to play in order to be part of
the program. In this way, the ego can be a tool enabling us to be in the
world but not of it....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...