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Saturday 16 January 2021

Tip of the Iceberg? Oh, YES. Thousands of ‘Covid’ Vaccine Injuries and 13 US Deaths Reported in December Alone – and untold numbers report consequences that never appear in the media

[David Icke]: Drawing on the tried-and-true marketing technique of drumming up the “illusion of scarcity” to “accelerate demand,” U.S. officials have been attempting to direct the public’s attention to the concocted drama of vaccine supply shortages and a slower-than-expected rollout.

However, as the early warning signs already apparent during clinical trials begin to translate into serious adverse reactions on a wider scale, officials now face a new public relations challenge — that of “managing expectations” to ensure population willingness to take the vaccine.

As more people hear about adverse events, and more adverse events occur — ranging from life-threatening anaphylaxis and emergency room visits to brain inflammation and death — “selling” the experimental injections may become an increasingly uphill battle....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...