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Sunday 13 February 2022

Alex Thomson: World Domination By A Few Families Through Mindspace and Mind Control

 [The Expose]: Transcript Alex Thomson

I am Alex Thomson, and for eight years I was an officer of Britain’s Signal Intelligence Agency, GCHQ, the partner agency to NSA. And there I was a desk officer for the former Soviet Union and a transcriber out of languages including Russian and German, of intercepted material. And in the latter half of that period, I was also a member of GCHQ’s cross disciplinary team for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, CBRN, in which capacity I came to know something about how the Anglo-American intelligence and military establishment regards its state of dominance in knowledge in all matters that can affect health on a mass scale and the potential for weaponisation of such agents.

But you’ve asked me to give something like a 20-minute summary of the geopolitical situation as it was in the world in the crucial period leading up to the post Second World War period, because most of the testimonies this evening, and I understand in subsequent sessions of the grand jury will concentrate much on the post 1945 world, and that really being the time when a lot of plans for unification of world government began in anger, including the health issues that you are concerned with.

And my contention is that the dominant power in the world, namely the City of London, the financial heart of the British Empire, readied itself for that situation from roughly 1870. And that the modern world, the monopolisation, the cartelisation of the world, begins in anger at that time.

Everything that we do, and by “we” I mean UK column news- I am also joined this evening by Brian Gerrish, the joint editor, who will testify later – everything that we do in investigating the corruption emanating from British Crown monopolies and City of London money does seem to point back to this period from around 1870, in which, in a nutshell, there were several revolutions by the British elite. and they all revolved around containing productivity and preventing a growth of intelligence and intellectual property among the native Peoples of the British Empire and in competitor nations.

So, there was a revolution in what you might call mind space, which since 2010 has been an explicit term used by the British government’s central Department, the Cabinet Office.

A revolution in the quality of education offered to British and later other Western schoolchildren.

A revolution in the theft of intellectual property by the elite.

a revolution in the model of health care and free access to it.

And at home, a constitutional revolution from the classic British Liberal democracy model, which I know that the continent of Europe and its law schools have explicitly copied from Britain, to a model in which there is close control of what happens in Parliament and in agencies under the control of governments using the whipped party system.

This all happened, as I say, around 1870, and at home in Britain, it was largely complete by the crucial year 1947/1948 when Britain had a unique other than Canada, a unique situation of a National Health Service and was pushing the way towards the military unification of the European continent and the whole of NATO and in many other ways, including planning, law and citizenship, was leading the world in reinventing how it managed its population....<<<Read More>>>...