Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 7 February 2022

Bowing to Authority – the Real Contagion of Our Time

 [Waking Times]: There must be some powerful subconscious process at work throughout a large swathe of the population to cause such a high percentage to do what they are told, in spite of the fact that what they are told to do lacks any practical justification or logical explanation and is highly likely to harm them.

Examples abound. One of the most stark is ‘the great Covid mask wearing scam’. Why would anyone go along with the order to wear such a mask? With the minimal amount of research one would instantly recognise it to be a useless bit of cloth/paper that restricts one’s breathing and makes one look like a criminal.

Why would anyone trust and follow the advice of a politician who demonstrates no understanding of that which he demands his constituents conform to?

How could anyone capable of independent thought – without even stopping to reflect – consider that some editorial in the corporate backed mainstream media represents the voice of reason?

Why would anyone unquestioningly fall in line with an announcement on the BBC telling viewers to denounce someone who chooses not to vaccine herself? And so forth and so on.

Deep in our psyches there must be a strong predetermined need to conform. To choose ‘political correctness’ and uncritical obeisance to the instructions of authority figures and so called ‘experts’. Something that causes people to fall on their knees to a certain kind of figurehead, without ever bothering to check the authenticity of that person’s proclamations....<<<Read More>>>...